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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />December 11, 2007 <br />Page 8 <br />City Manager Mornson reported the Silver Lake Road update would include staff from Hennepin <br />County would attend the Chamber Lunch to present updates on January 15, 2008, work on the <br />Cooperative Agreement, finalize funding arrangements and the timing, and holding an additional <br />open house in either March or April 2008. <br />7 City Manager Mornson reported that Hennepin County Commissioner Stenglein and Met <br />8 Council Representative Winstock, were invited to the January 8, 2008 Council meeting. <br />9 <br />10 City Manager Mornson reported staff is reviewing several changes to three large ordinances, one <br />11 being the sign ordinance, the fire code update, and a new code on property maintenance. <br />12 <br />13 City Manager Mornson reported a meeting with Johnson Controls is scheduled for December 12, <br />14 2007 to discuss energy and environmental savings on all city facilities. <br />15 <br />16 City Manager Mornson reported staff signed up for a public risk management association at a <br />17 cost of $40 per year. He stated this organization is dedicated solely to the practice of risk <br />18 management in the public sector. He commented there are seven meetings during the year. <br />19 <br />20 City Manager Mornson reported staff is working on language for all the Joint Powers <br />21 Agreements and service contracts. <br />22 <br />23 City Manager Mornson thanked Public Works Director Jay Hartman and staff for their work this <br />24 past month on the two large snow plowing efforts, a massive water main break, assisting with <br />25 the MWMO seminar, and the bill approved from Tight Rope. He stated Jay Hartman negotiated <br />26 at the time of the Sprint lease to wash the water tower saving the City $3,000. <br />27 <br />28 City Manager Mornson thanked Councilmember Horst for his 14 years of support to him and the <br />29 City of St. Anthony. <br />30 <br />31 Mayor Faust declared the December 25, 2007 meeting is cancelled. <br />32 <br />33 Councilmember Stille reported that on November 29, 2007, he attended the Metro Cities and <br />34 League of Minnesota Cities along with Mayor Faust, City Manager Mornson, and Council <br />35 members Gray and Thuesen. He stated the discussion included the pandemic flu and a plan <br />36 being developed should a pandemic occur. <br />37 <br />38 Councilmember Stille reported attending the Parks Commission meeting on December 10, 2007. <br />39 He mentioned the Parks Commission would present a plan for Emerald Park in January 2008. <br />40 <br />41 Mayor Faust attended the League of Minnesota Cities Board meeting and the Metro Cities and <br />42 League Regional meetings on November 29, 2007. I -Ie pointed out that Councilmember-elect <br />43 Roth also attended. He stated it was great to see the entire Council attend this meeting. <br />44 <br />45 Mayor Faust reported that on December 6, 2007 he attended the Chamber of Commerce Board of <br />46 Directors meeting. <br />