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City of St. Anthony Village <br />City Owned Facility Use Agreement <br />St. Antliony Sport Booster Association <br />In an effort to maintain safe conditions for all park uses and to insure that the City owned <br />facilities are used appropriately, the City of St. Anthony Village has set forth in place the <br />following regulations and guidelines for the use of all City parks and facilities. <br />All scheduled uses of the park or facilities will be approved through Community <br />Services. <br />2. All maintenance and repair request will be reported to the St. Anthony Public <br />Works Department. <br />All Park Ordinances apply and agree to adhere to them. <br />4. All leagues, associations, or groups using the facilities must provide Community <br />Services with a single contact that is to serve as the representative for the <br />organization activities. <br />5. No driving of motorized vehicles is allowed on the fields or green space. <br />6. It is the responsibility of the sports organization to clean up after tournaments. If <br />the City performs the cleanup, the sports organization will be charged for the <br />time, materials and labor for this service. <br />7. Users of the park are not allowed to make alterations to the facilities or terrain. <br />8. Facility improvements that the associations may want to make can only be <br />completed after following appropriate required steps. (See Public Works Dept). <br />9. Using green space outside of the designated fields is not permitted. <br />It is the City's desire that all of the patrons and organizations who use the park facilities <br />are able to enjoy the park system safely and conveniently. These regulations have been <br />set in place to achieve this goal. By reading and acknowledging that the organization has <br />read the regulations and agree to adhere to them, continues the privilege of utilizing the <br />park system. <br />