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23 <br />5. This Agreement shall be for an indefinite period of time. This Agreement may be <br />terminated by the City or the School District upon thirty (30) days written notice to the <br />other party. <br />6. The City will charge based on a per hour basis for snowplowing: Based on the Union <br />Contract, the 2008-2009 Fee Schedule are as follows. (See fee schedule on page 4). The City <br />will provide an updated schedule every two years. <br />In the event that costs increase for providing the snowplowing service, the City reserves the <br />right to establish a time limit on the contract fees so that fees can he reviewed and adjusted <br />on a periodic basis. <br />7. This Agreement supersedes any prior representations or agreements, whether written or <br />oral, between the City and'the School District, and contains the entire agreement. Any past <br />practice between the City and the School District is mill and void, unless specifically preserved <br />in this Agreement. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and School District, by action of their governing bodies, have <br />executed this Agreement in accordance with the terms herein. <br />City of St. Anthony Village, Minnesota <br />The City Council of St. Anthony Village, Minnesota duly approved the Agreement on the <br />clay of 2008. <br />By: <br />And: <br />Its Mayor Pro Tem <br />Its City Manager <br />St. Anthony New Brighton School District No. 282 <br />The School Board of St. Anthony New Brighton School District No. 282 duly approved this <br />Agreement on the day of 2008. <br />By: <br />Its Chairperson <br />And: <br />Its Secretary <br />