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20 <br />In addition to the costs above, all property may be assessed a proportional share on a footage basis <br />for expenses such as right-of-way and easement acquisition needed for that segment of the project <br />including any roadways abutting the property. <br />ALLEYS <br />Alley reconstruction or overlays shall be assessed at 100% on a front footage basis to the abutting <br />properties. <br />CONDOMINIUMS <br />Assessments shall be spread by dividing them according to the percentage of interest in common <br />elements of the street improvements. <br />MUNICIPAL STATE -AID ROADWAYS <br />1�Monta-x-exenil>t roperty tone<a0 J, R -4-A; R--,-aii(I-P-3--whic-h-abet: . Tx..nicipal0,,. „ A:d <br />_ne-assessed-for-mil)-ovemer fsue-Is-streets--A-1{-suel-i-werk Ball <br />be en=tered-l-00°/a-by-MgA-funds: <br />2)�1'— c xempt as, but-not-nec-essan-ly-limited-to <br />sc-keels; c;ku3ckes; pat=k�and-governt�xent-l;uid-shall-ke-assessed-on-a-frontfeet�,-^at. <br />3 °l %-of he cost of a 7 -ton,, 32 fent wide pavement wltk e<�ncrete etnk� and Butte end r�utrrie <br />drai alae -above -property -will -be assessed fer--tkis type of readway Ewen if tlieor <br />sti � "mak-:s-gr'eate'r. <br />1\ All 1,,.11 1, 1,.,, is a4. 5 10/ ,.F i 1, <br />�,Perry-sret�oveled-nr4ke-abcv�-tee-assessed-en-a-freni-fisotag.,�-�„�-ae <br />cost-fer-the-imp eN,e„ents-te4-he-M,Sf-readway-that they -abut - <br />Assessments on Municipal State Aid roadways shall be levied against the benefited properties on <br />the same basis as described under un rg ading of public roadways. <br />Municipal State Aid funding provided for reconstruction of a particular segment of street will be <br />used by the City to fund non -assessed costs, and will not be used to reduce assessments to the <br />properties adjacent to these facilities. <br />STORM DRAINAGE <br />Improvement costs for storm drainage, with the exception of local street drainage, shall be paid for <br />wholly out of the storm drainage utility fund and not assessed to benefited properties. <br />SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN <br />Improvement costs for sanitary sewer and water main improvements shall be paid for wholly out of <br />their respective utility funds and not assessed to benefited properties. New service lines and <br />replacement of existing service lines for individual properties shall be assessed at 100% of actual <br />costs. Water service line replacement costs shall include the installation of new curb stops and curb <br />boxes, or new gate valves, depending on the size of the water service. <br />Page 2 <br />