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CC PACKET 05272008
City Council
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CC PACKET 05272008
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7/30/2015 7:31:45 AM
Creation date
5/7/2014 2:16:10 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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a) The individual has in fact retired from employment; and <br />b) The individual suffers from the total and permanent loss of the sight of both eyes, the loss of <br />both arms at the shoulder, the loss of both legs so close to the hips that no effective artificial <br />members can be used, completed and permanent paralysis, total and permanent loss of mental <br />faculties, or any other injury which totally incapacitates the person from working at an <br />occupation which brings an income. <br />The owner of the properties must provide proof and verify under oath that he or she qualifies <br />under the criteria defining a permanent and total disability. In cases where exceptional and <br />unusual circumstances exist, the City Council may determine that a permanent and total disability <br />exists despite the fact that the definitional requirement of Section 2, B(3) are not met; such cases <br />shall be decided by the Council on a case-by-case basis. <br />I7ARDSHIP: It shall be presumed that a hardship exists if.- <br />a) <br />f:a) The annual assessment installment exceeds one (1) percent of the previous year's total <br />adjusted gross incomes, for Federal hrcome Tax purposes, for all owners of the property; in <br />no event shall "total adjusted gross income" include social security benefits, railroad <br />retirement benefits, retirement benefits attributable to employee contributions, disability <br />benefits, personal injury awards, or worker's compensation payments. <br />b) All live owners of the property verify, under oath, that they meet the criteria for establishing <br />a hardship by completing an application provided by the City or the County. <br />In cases where exceptional and unusual circumstances exist, the City Council may determine that <br />a hardship exists despite the fact that the minimum income requirements of the Hardship Section <br />are not met; such cases shall be decided by the Council on a case -by -cases basis. <br />INTEREST: Interest shall be charged on any assessment deferred pursuant to this document at a rate <br />equal to the rate charged on other assessments for the particular public improvement project the <br />assessment is financing. <br />TERMINATION Or DEFERMENT: The option to defer the payment of special assessments <br />pursuant to this document, shall terminate and all installment amounts previously deferred, plus <br />applicable interest, shall become due upon the occurrence of any of the following events: <br />a) The request of the property owner. <br />b) The death of the property owner who qualifies for the deferral, providing the surviving owner <br />is otherwise not eligible for the deferral. <br />c) The sale, transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof. <br />d) The loss of homestead status of the property. <br />e) The City determines that a hardship no longer exists. <br />Page 8 <br />
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