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30 <br />(d) Calling upon householders in connection with a regular route service for the sale <br />and delivery of perishable daily necessities of life such as bakery products and <br />dairy products. <br />(e) Calling upon householders at the request of the householders. <br />1130.05 Proof ofRe)istration. Upon receipt of a complete registration, the Clerk will transmit <br />the samc to the Chief of Police for approval. Every registration must bear the written approval of <br />the Chief of Police to be valid. Within five days after such registration, the City Clerk will <br />provide the registrant with a written certificate showing proof of registration. <br />1130.06 Reg stration Not Transferable. No registration is transferable from one individual to <br />another. Each individual must be separately registered where more than one individual is <br />involved in the same type of activity even though associated with the same organization. <br />1130,07 Practices Prohibited. No peddler, solicitor or transient merchant is permitted to call <br />attention to the business or merchandise by crying out, blowing a horn, ringing a bell, or by any <br />loud or unusual noise. No peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant is permitted to harass, <br />intimidate, abuse, or threaten a person or continue to offer merchandise for sale to any person <br />after being told not to do so by that person. <br />1130.08 Duration of Rel isbmtion. Each registration will be valid only for the period specified, <br />and no registration may extend beyond the 31st day of December of the year in which it is <br />granted. <br />1130.09 Exclusion. Any person who wishes to exclude peddlers, solicitors or transient <br />merchants from his or her premises may place upon or near the usual entrance to the premises a <br />printed placard or sign bearing the following notice: <br />"Peddlers and Solicitors Prohibited" <br />Such placard must be at least 3 3/4 inches long and 3 3/4 inches wide and the printing must not <br />be smaller than 48 point type. No peddler, solicitor or transient merchant may enter or attempt to <br />enter in or upon any premises or attempt to enter in or upon any premises where such placard or <br />sign is placed. <br />1130.10 Revocation. Any registration maybe temporarily suspended by title City Manager or <br />revoked by the Council for a violation of any provision of this Section. Before any temporary <br />suspension or revocation occurs, the registrant will be notified of the violation and will have the <br />opportunity to respond to it. <br />1130.11 Compliance with Zoning. Transient merchants must comply with all applicable <br />provisions of the City's Zoning Code. <br />1130.12 Investigation and Issuance. <br />(a) Upon receipt of each application, it shall be referred to the Chief of Police who <br />shall immediately institute such investigation of the applicant's business and <br />11-8 <br />