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CC PACKET 09092008
City Council
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CC PACKET 09092008
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Last modified
7/30/2015 7:43:13 AM
Creation date
5/7/2014 2:16:24 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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34 <br />Oust be made in a manner that will prevent the dog from biting any per <br />will not cause injury to the dog or interfere wnjJ son or animal but Chat <br />i s vision or resp ation. <br />(b) deceased. irthc dog is removed owner of a dangerous dog nnuSt reuew the registration of tile nu <br />e dog anally until the dog is <br />deceasfrom the iurisdiction, it must be registered as a dangerous Clo <br />its new jurisdiction. <br />g in <br />(c) An owner of a dangerous dog must notify the animal control authority in writing of the death <br />Of the dog or its transfer to a new,tur�s� n location8our�lcon the do <br />of the death or transfer, and Must, if requested by the animal control �authl execute <br />a 0 clays <br />affidavit under oath setting forth either t11 <br />he cn cumstances of the dogs death and disposition or <br />Che complete name, address, and telephone number of Che person Co whom Che dog has been <br />transferred or the address where the doh has _been relocated <br />(d) An animal control authority aabi�� sh�dl require a dangerous dog to be sterilized at ills owner's <br />expense. if the owner does not have the all sterilized \a:ithfn 30 do lbs animal control <br />authority n;ai� shall semi Che doe and have { tnin�ti it sterilized at Che owner's expense. <br />(e) A Person who owns a dangerous dog and who reg s property fiom another where the (jog reside Must disclose to the property Owner d 1 to entering the lease a r � b will <br />of any lease renewal that the person owns a din gtcemeut and St the time <br />ill reSide. at tile <br />(w A Person who sells it msfe:r;ti U n� � pa dangerouo dog mast notify the j ul� lins�t necv <br />Owner that the annual control authority has identified the dog as dangerous. The .yeller: cun__e tit <br />o��'i pr videinist alsthe notify the animalauthority <br />control anthorily in writing of the male trallsf�O�vggnlrit2 <br />and provide the au Ona] control authority with the new owner's name, address, and telephone <br />number. <br />347.53 POTENTIALITY DANt—�lrI>l IUS ;; ZED PAN(>i? <br />Any statutoryor home rule charter cit �OIJS DO(}S. <br />y or any county, may regulate potentially dangerous and <br />dan4TerOMs dogs. Except as provided in section 347.51, subdivision 8, nothing in sections 347.50 <br />to 54 347 565 limits any restrictions that fire local jurisdictions may place n owners of <br />Potentially dangerous or dans rcrous dogs. <br />347.54 CONFISCATION. <br />Subdivision 1. Seizure. (a) The animal control authority having jurisdiction shall immediately <br />Seize any dangerous dog if; <br />i <br />(1) after 14 days after the owner has notice that the dog is dangerous, the dog is not validly <br />registered under section 347.51; <br />(2) after 14 days after the owner has notice that the dog is dangerous, the owner does not s <br />Che proper liability insurance ecure <br />(3) the dog is not maintained in tile <br />surely coverage as required under section 347.5 1, subdivision 2 ; <br />the proper enclosure; u� <br />0 <br />
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