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va <br />,;uhd. ;3. I,)o£t o�iucrs➢ri keohibiti13 <br />ou review. eeinninrarec ts alloc I Conviction under 37 <br />sulid kvis ioHI th��kt mhiblts a person from owkiine a dor anil amorally then alder. the a c s 11 ltaa�t, <br />< _ _ <br />c rest that the animal conirol authoriLN rcv lew theeLjrrohibition. ` animal caiirol,iuthorir�_ <br />nsav considek_such facts as the seriousness of the violation or violations that led to the <br />pro ibition. anv crimittal.conv_icti,ons. or other facts that the animal control +utlkorii�ccros <br />alvrodniate. The anunal control authority may rescind_ihe p oliibition entirely or rescind it with <br />limitations. The animal control autho city also mav_establish Condi ttons crson uaust meet <br />before the. prohibition is rescinded. inchkdin;�bur not liknited to. ucccssfiilly comph°:Cin¢ doa: <br />aini;ng or doe haudiitk, comses.Tf the animal Control audkorit} kc scinds a person's prohibition <br />and the person subset uclu fxiils to comply with any limitations imposed b} the aniknal control <br />authority or the person is convicted of anv animal violation invols ikj Lt11 L)vokcd bites or dog <br />att tcics, the animal contrwl authoi�it5 may jLerm;kncntly prohibit tj! d> rson f om owui It! a doa in <br />this state. <br />347.55 PENALTY. <br />(a) A -try A person who violates uH3< a provision of section 347.5 1 347.515 or 347.52 is guilty <br />of a misdemeanor. <br />(b) It is a misdemeanor to remove a microchip from a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog, <br />to fail to renew the registration of a dangerous clog, to fail to account for a dangerous dog's death <br />or chance of location where the doe will reside, to sign a false <br />affidavit with respect to a dangerous dog's death or rtnx xs1 fid si k e juris iiflt en change of <br />location where [tic dog will reside, or to fail to disclose ownership of a dangerous dog to a <br />property owner from whom the person rents property. <br />(c) A uerson v -ho is convicted of a second or subsegncniviolation of paranraph (a) or (b) is <br />",_uilty of across ukisdenicanor <br />(d) An owner who violatcs section 347.542, subdivision 1, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor, <br />1c) Any household member who lnlowingly violates section 347 542 sabdiv_ision 2, is.auilty <br />of a (yross misdemeanor. <br />347.56 DESTRUCTION OF DOG IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. <br />Subdivision 1. Circumstances. Notwithstanding sections 347.51 to 347.55, a dog thaE <br />iii�iisted�aukiatantial�ktt�ieclily-hetiii-tai-a-liikniaii-lieiril�-en 13u{�lic�c�l�pt°iva{e-propet4�vv-itlicjut <br />�irE1�K�E£H382iiiifl'Abe-d25ti'fl,V�?d-ni-fi-l3ifip21=f1i3:d-lnkiitaHi'i3lfiHiit'1�3'f-i�it'-'d13N3ifl{tii3H1H�l-aiii}3<�H-Ei':- <br />3'lit flii3itlfl�-e(iHktO�-akkti3(�ii{;+-H3E1 i3E}t-d891rHy-{132-dL�g-i733ti-1--the-fiflt'-Hi kit{ -III- jf d IN <br />d Ser is i u a Bear rg�3e1 re a} kiip # l c1 en n3alct may be de�stroved in a proper and <br />hu.rnane manner by the animal control authority if the dog: <br />