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sy <br />Date: August 75, 2008 <br />To: Whom it May Concern <br />From: Teresa Flagg <br />Subject: Gordy, Chance & Wyatt Blackey's Dog, Guido <br />In the late afternoon/early evening on May 17, 2007, 1 watched as a Schwan's driver pulled up to the <br />end of the Gordy Blackey's driveway. Since I knew the Blackey's were not home at the time, I called to <br />the Schwan's driver and motioned for him to come to our home first. When the Schwan's driver <br />approached me, I informed him that the Blackey's were not home and that he shouldn't bother coming <br />back unless he saw a truck in the driveway. <br />A few days later, I was very surprised when Gordy informed me that the Schwan's driver had indicated <br />that Gordy's dog, Guido, had bit the driver because I knew he left without approaching the house when I <br />had seen him and, if he did come back, he had been advised the Blackey's were not home unless he <br />could see their vehicle in the driveway. <br />j <br />Teresa Flagg v U <br />3017 Croft Drive <br />St, Anthony, MN 55418 <br />