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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />September 9, 2008 <br />Page 10 <br />He pointed out if someone does not actually come in and show the bite it seems odd to move the <br />dog into the "dangerous dog" category again. A process needs to be considered in this area. <br />Councilmember Gray stated lie has nothing to report. <br />6 Councilmember Roth stated lie has nothing to report. <br />8 Councilmember Stille reported on the following: <br />9 ® Attendance at the Sister City Meeting on September 8, 2008. The annual meeting is <br />10 scheduled for December 7, 2008. <br />11 d The September 23, 2008 City Council meeting will include a Kiwanis Peanut Day <br />12 Proclamation. <br />13 ® Jerry Brady, an active Kiwanis member, passed away. IIe was a good citizen that will be <br />14 missed. <br />15 <br />16 Mayor Faust reported on his attendance at the following: <br />17 ® September 2, 2008 Middle Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) <br />18 Board meeting. <br />19 W September 3, 2008 MWMO Third Generation Plan meeting. <br />20 ® September 3, 2008 he and City Manager Mornson visited with the executive director of <br />21 Metro Cities to talk about considerations that Metro Cities can deal with the City on. <br />22 ® September 3, 2008 City Council Budget Session. <br />23 ® September 9, 2008 Metro Cities Revenue and Taxation meeting. 'file members will be <br />24 asked to designate a person who votes for that city. This will ensure that the meetings run <br />25 smoothly and they do not have council member speaking for themselves, rather than the <br />26 community. <br />27 <br />28 VIII. COMMUNITY FORUM. <br />29 <br />30 Mayor Faust invited residents to come forward at this time and address the Council on items that <br />31 are not on the regular agenda. <br />32 <br />33 Hearing none, Mayor Faust moved forward with the agenda. <br />34 <br />35 IX. INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. <br />36 <br />37 Mayor Faust announced that the Minneapolis paper included an article stating that on September <br />38 6, 2008, the Minneapolis Park Board approved its last park system link of the Grand Rounds to <br />39 pass through the City of St. Anthony. He expressed his displeasure that there have not been any <br />40 official conversations about this with the City of St. Anthony. At the last meeting on this topic, it <br />41 was stated by himself, Councilmember Roth, and the City Manager that St. Anthony was not <br />42 interested, and that was the end of the discussion. He stated his displeasure in learning of this <br />43 action taken by Minneapolis through a newspaper article. He stated he is of the opinion that they <br />44 should show the City of Minneapolis the same disrespect they have been shown and put together <br />45 a resolution opposing the movement through the St. Anthony without prior approval. He <br />11 <br />