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CC PACKET 09232008
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 09232008
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Last modified
7/30/2015 7:44:07 AM
Creation date
5/7/2014 2:16:27 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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Analysis: 20 <br />Staff verified that the proposed lot splits did not cause either lot to be out of conformance with lot size <br />regulations of the City's Zoning Code. Each lot will meet the minimum lot size of 9,000 SF. Currently, Lot 3 is <br />22,948 SF and Lot 4 is 14,709 SF. The proposed square footage of Lot 3 is 20,223 and the proposed square <br />footage of Lot 4 is 17,434. According the calculations of the certified land surveyor, Mark Kemper, the 35% lot <br />coverage requirement is also adhered to by both properties. Both properties will be at 17% lot coverage with the <br />proposed lot subdivisions. <br />The minimum side yard and rear yard setbacks for each lot are also maintained. An R -1A lot requires a <br />minimum side yard width of five (5) feet and a minimum combination of the two (2) side yards of fifteen (15) <br />feet. The rear yard of any lot abutting the lake must be at least 75 feet from the natural high water elevation of <br />the lake, The rear yard of any lot not abutting the lake must be at least 20% of the depth of the entire lot but in <br />no case less than 25 feet. <br />Lot 3 owned by Dr. Good does abut the Lake and has a rear yard of 80.2 feet and Lot 4 owned by Mr. Hayes <br />does not abut the Lake and has a rear yard of 35.18 feet. Side yards for both properties are well above the <br />required footage. Lot 4 conforms to the front yard setback with 36.14 feet; Lot 3 does not but has a variance of <br />five (5) feet. The original survey showed a front yard setback of 25 feet, while the current survey shows a front <br />yard setback of 16.2 which isdue to the City taking nearly 9 feet to widen Silver Lake Terrace. <br />Both lots will conform to the rear yard setbacks and the side yard setbacks if the lot combinations are approved. <br />Action: Council Approval/Denial of the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the proposed lot <br />subdivisions and combinations. <br />Communications: Received two phone calls from residents. <br />Attachments: <br />Site Map <br />Resolutions for 4020 Silver Lake Terrace and 4024 Silver Lake Terrace <br />Lot Combo 4020 SLR Ter Staff Report 081908 <br />
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