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23 <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />RESOLUTION 08-062 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR LOT <br />SUBDIVISION AND LOT COMBINATION FOR 4020 SILVER LAKE TERRACE, <br />LOT 4, BLOCK 1 OLSON'S ADDITION <br />WHEREAS, the St. Anthony Planning Commission held a public hearing on September "16, <br />2008 for the review of the submitted preliminary plat presented in application for <br />a lot subdivision and lot combination for 4020 Silver Lake Terrace; and <br />WHEREAS, staff presented a Staff Report that provided information regarding the lot <br />subdivision and lot combination request received from the property owners; and <br />WHEREAS, staff also presented the Planning Commission with a preliminary plat as <br />prepared by Mark Kemper, professional land surveyor with Kemper & <br />Associates, Inc., for their review and consideration; and <br />WI IEREAS, The owner of 4020 Silver Lake "Cerrace is proposing to sell a337 SF portion of the <br />NW corner of their lot to the property owner of the neighboring property at 4024 <br />Silver Lake Terrace to the west; and <br />WHEREAS, The neighboring property owner at 4024 Silver Lake Terrace is proposing to sell <br />to the subject property owner a 3,062 SF portion of property adjacent to a <br />walkway easement running along the southern (rear) property line of 4020 Silver <br />Lake Terrace and 4024 Silver Lake Terrace; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found the following requirements for R-1 A lots are in <br />compliance regarding 4020 Silver Lake Terrace, Lot 4, Block 1, Olsori s <br />Addition: <br />1. Access. The lots must abut by their full frontage on a public street. <br />2. Size. The minimum dimensions for the single-family lake lots are: <br />a. 'Lot area meets minimum lot area of 9,000 SF <br />i. 17,434 SF <br />b. Lot width meets minimum lot width of 75 feet <br />i. 92.14 Feet <br />c. Maximum Floor Area Ration of 0.3 <br />i. 0.3 <br />C:\Documents and Settings\barb.suciu\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK24\091608lot <br />subdivision combination 4020 SLTerrace.doc <br />