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CC PACKET 10142008
City Council
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CC PACKET 10142008
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Last modified
7/30/2015 12:21:56 PM
Creation date
5/7/2014 2:16:29 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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2.06. Under Section 469.1813, Subdivision 9 of the Act, it is not necessary for the City <br />to obtain the consent of any of the owners of the Property to grant an abatement. <br />Section 3. Granting of Tax Abatement. <br />3.01. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.1813, subdivision 6(b), the City has <br />submitted a requests in writing to Ramsey County, which is another political subdivisions in <br />which the Property is located, for Ramsey County to grant an abatement for the Property. <br />Ramsey County has not determined whether or not to grant an abatement with respect to the <br />Property. If Ramsey County declines the City's request to grant an abatement for the Property or <br />fails to respond to the City's request within 90 days after receipt thereof, the durational limit for <br />the abatement of the City's property taxes with respect to the Property will be 20 years. If <br />Ramsey County approve the City's request to grant an abatement for the Property, the durational <br />limit for the abatement of the City's property taxes with respect to the Property will be 15 years. <br />Pursuant to the Act a property tax abatement (the "Abatement") is hereby granted in respect of <br />property taxes levied by the City on the Property (i) for fifteen years, commencing with taxes <br />payable in 2009 and concluding with taxes payable in 2023, if Ramsey County approves the <br />City's request to grant an abatement for the Property, and (ii) for twenty years, commencing with <br />taxes payable in 2009 and concluding with taxes payable in 2028, if Ramsey County declines the <br />City's request to grant an abatement for the Property or fails to respond to the City's request <br />within 90 days after receipt thereof. <br />3.02. The City shall retain the Abatement and apply it to payment of all or a portion of <br />the costs of improvements to Emerald Park or to the payment of bonds of the City issued to <br />finance costs of the improvements to Emerald Park, issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, <br />Chapter 475 and Section 469.1814. <br />3.03. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Resolution, the total <br />amount of property taxes abated by the City under the Act in any year shall not exceed greater of <br />(i) ten percent (10.00%) of the City's current property tax levy, or (ii) $200,000. <br />3.04. The Abatement may be modified or terminated at any time by the City Council in <br />accordance with the Act. <br />A`rTEST: <br />Adopted this 14°i clay of October, 2008. <br />Mayor <br />City Clerk <br />Reviewed for Administration: <br />City Manager <br />-2- <br />9£ <br />
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