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CC PACKET 10142008
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CC PACKET 10142008
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City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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To: Mike Mornson — City Manager <br />From: Stacie Kvilvang — Ehlers and Associates <br />UJ Date: October 14, 2008 <br />Subject: Pratt 'Request to Change Phase 113 Housing Development <br />On February 5, 2008, the City Council met in a work session to hear a presentation from Len <br />Pratt, Housing Developer for Silver Lake Village, on a revised concept for the Phase IB <br />housing. Mr. Pratt presented an option to change the type and number of units to be <br />constructed in Phase 113 from 128 Condominiums (for sale) to 100 Cooperative Senior Units <br />(for sale). In addition, lie introduced his potential new development partner, Cooperative <br />Communities. <br />At the March 18, 2008 work session, Council reviewed additional information regarding the <br />proposal and requested that staff bring back a resolution to authorize proceeding to negotiate a <br />7°i amendment to the Development Agreement to allow for the change in type of housing to be <br />developed as part as Phase IB. <br />On April 8, 2008, the City Council approved a resolution directing staff to draft a 7°i <br />amendment to the Development Agreement, allowing: <br />1. The change in use for the Phase IB housing from 128 condominiums to a 100 units of <br />senior cooperatives <br />2. Extend the date for which construction should commence by to September 1, 2009, since <br />the developer informed them that due to market conditions, he would be unable to meet the <br />September 1, 2008 construction start date (one year extension). <br />In addition, the Council provided staff direction that the amendment would not be brought <br />back to them for approval until the developer was certain that senior cooperatives were a <br />viable alternative and/or had attained the required 60% presales for financing purposes (HUD <br />has recently increased this to 70%). <br />The 7°i amendment has been drafted but never brought before the City Council for approval <br />since the developer has not met the presale requirements yet. The developer has been working <br />on the presales since June and has 26 reservations. They stated that the summer months were <br />typically slow for sales due to summer travel by seniors, that things would pick up in the fall, <br />LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE <br />3060 Centre Pointe Drive Phone: 651-697-8506 Fax: 651-697-8555 <br />Roseville, MN 55v.3-uo5 <br />EHLEKb <br />34 <br />LEADERS <br />IN PUBLIC FINANCE <br />To: Mike Mornson — City Manager <br />From: Stacie Kvilvang — Ehlers and Associates <br />UJ Date: October 14, 2008 <br />Subject: Pratt 'Request to Change Phase 113 Housing Development <br />On February 5, 2008, the City Council met in a work session to hear a presentation from Len <br />Pratt, Housing Developer for Silver Lake Village, on a revised concept for the Phase IB <br />housing. Mr. Pratt presented an option to change the type and number of units to be <br />constructed in Phase 113 from 128 Condominiums (for sale) to 100 Cooperative Senior Units <br />(for sale). In addition, lie introduced his potential new development partner, Cooperative <br />Communities. <br />At the March 18, 2008 work session, Council reviewed additional information regarding the <br />proposal and requested that staff bring back a resolution to authorize proceeding to negotiate a <br />7°i amendment to the Development Agreement to allow for the change in type of housing to be <br />developed as part as Phase IB. <br />On April 8, 2008, the City Council approved a resolution directing staff to draft a 7°i <br />amendment to the Development Agreement, allowing: <br />1. The change in use for the Phase IB housing from 128 condominiums to a 100 units of <br />senior cooperatives <br />2. Extend the date for which construction should commence by to September 1, 2009, since <br />the developer informed them that due to market conditions, he would be unable to meet the <br />September 1, 2008 construction start date (one year extension). <br />In addition, the Council provided staff direction that the amendment would not be brought <br />back to them for approval until the developer was certain that senior cooperatives were a <br />viable alternative and/or had attained the required 60% presales for financing purposes (HUD <br />has recently increased this to 70%). <br />The 7°i amendment has been drafted but never brought before the City Council for approval <br />since the developer has not met the presale requirements yet. The developer has been working <br />on the presales since June and has 26 reservations. They stated that the summer months were <br />typically slow for sales due to summer travel by seniors, that things would pick up in the fall, <br />LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE <br />3060 Centre Pointe Drive Phone: 651-697-8506 Fax: 651-697-8555 <br />Roseville, MN 55v.3-uo5 <br />
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