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CC PACKET 05122009
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CC PACKET 05122009
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City Council
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />April 28, 2009 <br />Page 6 <br />1 Mr. Larson provided an overview of interest earnings on cash and investments, and stated the <br />2 average rate of return in 2008 was 4.7%, down approximately one percentage point from the <br />3 previous year. He discussed the water/sewer fund and stated in 2009, the DNR has mandated <br />4 tiered water rates to promote conservation by placing a premium on high usage; the City must <br />5 implement the new rates by 2010. He stated in 2008, metropolitan waste costs were $467,267 <br />6 and costs have stabilized over the last three years primarily due to the I&I (inflow and <br />7 infiltration) program. He stated that Met Council will assess penalties for improper drainage into <br />8 the sanitary disposal system and the City has been removed from the surcharge list. <br />10 Mr. Larson discussed key financial management planning and stated improvements will be <br />11 funded with no increase in taxes; in addition, the Emerald Park funding plan calls for no increase <br />12 in taxes and the impact will be offset by a reduction of debt and decertification of the Chandler <br />13 TIF. <br />14 <br />15 Mr. Larson stated the City received a Certificate of Excellence in 2006 and 2007 for financial <br />16 reporting excellence presented by the Government Finance Officers Association. He discussed <br />17 the City's credit rating by Moody's and the A-1 rating is the highest rating for a city the size of <br />18 St. Anthony. He added the recent bond rating from Standard & Poor's for the 2009 street project <br />1.9 was AA, representing an upgrade of two ratings. <br />20 <br />21 Mr. Larson provided an overview for 2009, including the Chandler/Foss Road improvement <br />22 project, renovation of Emerald Park, refinancing of two improvement bonds for a savings of <br />23 $53,000 on the 2000A storm sewer bonds and $23,500 on the 2000B MSA street improvement <br />24 bonds. He added with the anticipated loss of $135,000 in Market Value Credit from the State, <br />25 the City is in the planning stages of restructuring the 2009 and 2010 budgets. He stated the City <br />26 is planning for the future by looking at resources needed for environmental considerations, <br />27 technology improvements, infrastructure improvements, and the decertification of the Chandler <br />28 TIF District by September 30, 2011. <br />29 <br />30 Mayor Faust stated it is important to remember that when the City talks about refinancing, the <br />31 debt term timeline was not extended and the interest rate is the lowest rate the City has ever had. <br />32 <br />33 Mr. Larson explained that city governments are not allowed to invest in the regular stock market, <br />34 and the City has been inclined to only invest in instruments such as CDs, Fannie Mae and <br />35 Freddie Macs, and zero coupon bonds, which, if kept until maturity, you get 100% of your <br />36 principal back. He added the City has been able to time investments accordingly and the money <br />37 is safe. <br />38 <br />39 Councilmember Stille stated it is important to make sure the City does not have any positive <br />40 arbitrage. <br />41 <br />42 Mr. Larson stated staff has examined all investments and every issue the City owns has been <br />43 arbitrage compliant. <br />44 <br />45 Mayor Faust stated the fund balance is 30-35% funded, even though the State auditor says the <br />46 City can have up to 50%, which means that the extra 15-20% is kept in investments rather than <br />
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