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that there is no danger to the general public. He did indicate that technicians working directly with they <br />antennas do wear protective clothing. <br />3. The requested Conditional Use Permit is considered necessary or desirable at the subject <br />location to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of public convenience and will <br />contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community. Mr. Viera stated that this <br />location is desirable for this type of High-speed Internet antennas because of the height associated with <br />the proposed location. The high-speed Internet service provided by Clearwire Communications uses <br />the bandwidth that is at this height. When asked about any radiation threat to those in the building and <br />Mr. Viera responded that because the bandwidth is at this height and is not directed toward the <br />building or the ground, there is virtually no danger to anyone in the building, on the ground or living in <br />the area. He again suggested that he would have an engineer at the public hearing to provide more <br />technical information regarding these types of questions. <br />Mr. Viera also presented a letter from the owner of the Silver Lake Plaza building that stated an <br />agreement had been negotiated and approved by him and Clearwire Communications for the rooftop <br />installation. <br />Conditions of the CUP: <br />1. The antenna(s) does not extend more than 30 feet above the current highest point of the building or <br />structure. <br />2. The antenna(s) complies with all current applicable federal regulations. <br />3. The antenna(s) complies with all current applicable building codes. <br />4. The installation of the antenna(s) will be done in such a manner as to minimize any adverse effect of <br />the proposed antenna(s) to adjoining properties. <br />Communications: Staff has received no phone calls or emails regarding the installation of the proposed high- <br />speed Internet antennas for this location. There was no one from the public who spoke for or against granting <br />the CUP to Clearwire Communications at the Public Hearing. <br />Action: Recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission for CUP application for 4001 <br />Stinson Boulevard. <br />Attachment: <br />• Application Packet for CUP <br />• Site Plan for 4001 Stinson Boulevard <br />Resolution 10-019 - Resolution to Approve the Request for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to <br />Clearwire Communications, LLC for the Installation of High -Speed Wireless Internet <br />Antennas and Facilities at 4001 Stinson Boulevard. <br />Staff Rpt Clearwire Communications CLIP <br />