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MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: February 1, 2010 <br />TO: City Council <br />FROM: Mike Morrison, City Manager <br />Roger Larson, Finance Director <br />ITEM: CLEARWIRE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LEASE <br />Clear Wireless, LLC "Clearwire" desires to install a high speed wireless internet facility <br />on the City's Water Tank located at 3109 — 33rd Avenue. The installation of the <br />equipment will provide a source of rental income. <br />Staff has work with Clearwire and the City Attorney to negotiate a lease agreement that is <br />fair, comparable to other communication leases, and acceptable for both parties. <br />To determine the annual cost of the lease, Staff contacted the Hennepin County <br />Assessor's Office to review financial numbers of other recently negotiated leases. Their <br />records indicate a range of $18,000 to $26,000 annually (see attached memo). St. <br />Anthony's annual lease with "Clearwire" starts at $24,000 a year with an annual escalator <br />of 4%. <br />For additional comparison, Staff has included a document that compares the current <br />Sprint Lease to the proposed Clearwire Lease. <br />Recommendation <br />Council approves Resolution #10-020 approving the Communications Site Lease <br />Agreement between the City of St. Anthony and Clear Wireless, LLC. <br />