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■ The interior of parking lots should be generously land- <br />scaped with islands and other features to break up <br />large expanses of asphalt. <br />■ Pedestrian connections should be provided,from park- <br />ing Iots;to building entries, adjacent streets, and abut- <br />ting open space or park features. <br />■ , gnage should be complementary, to the overall de- <br />sign concept of the area and,should not introduce jar- <br />ring or incompatible colors, shapes, or features. <br />■ Signage on buildings will be encouraged rather than <br />freestanding signs. If freestanding signs are allowed, <br />only low monument -style signs should be allowed. <br />■ Wall signage on buildings should be limited to a sign <br />band at a certain width and height above the ground. <br />■ Projecting signs perpendicular to a wall will be en- <br />couraged if of modest scale. <br />Lighting <br />■ Street lighting should make use of decorative fixtures <br />of modest height both to provide lighting and to define <br />the character and scale of the internals streets. <br />Site lighting for private developments should follow <br />the character and scale of the,pubiic street lighting. <br />■ All light fixtures should be downcast cutoff type to re- <br />duce light spillage and glare. <br />zl <br />