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CC PACKET 05252010
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 05252010
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Last modified
7/30/2015 10:29:09 AM
Creation date
4/30/2014 4:45:02 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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24 <br />(i) Removal of graffiti within -forty-eight (48) hours. <br />c. Taxes. Each Owner agrees to pay or cause to be paid, prior to delinquency, <br />directlyto the appropriate taxing authority, all real property taxes and assessments <br />which are levied against the Tract owned by it (including any existing or future <br />general' and special assessments levied in :connection with the Development <br />property) on such Party's Tract. <br />d. Buildin:t=_s. Each Owner shall maintain all perimeter and exterior walls ..on its <br />Buildings in a good condition and state of repair and shall maintain all Buildings <br />and Improvements on its respective Tract in good order and condition and state of <br />repair at their own expense, including, but without .limitation, keeping all <br />sidewalks, walkways, roadways, truck, docks, receiving areas, parking areas and <br />any: other areas, facilities and equipment located upon such Tract at all times in a <br />reasonably clean, unlittered, orderly and sanitary condition. <br />PUD a_4Aotoav�-% <br />a. Cub .Pylon. U.S. Bank hereby grants, for the benefit of the Cub Tract, a <br />permanent non-exclusive easement for the construction and maintenance by Cub <br />of a pylon sign (the "Cub Pylon") on a.portion of the U.S. Bank Tract, as legally <br />described on Exhibit N and pictorially shown on Exhibit A attached hereto ("Cub <br />.Pylori Easement Area"). Neither the height, size nor dimension of the Cub Pylon <br />shall be greater than (without the consent of the Owner of the U.S. Bank Tract, <br />Which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) 31 feet in height, 13 feet 5 <br />inches in width and one foot in depth. i1r� design-®f.tar�>;Qub Aylt�nha11 be <br />narna�of•�an�::l»ankwaratfierhtrarttfal'sis`stl"ftiEiaii hfiltslih`ilsfi'�'t"tSYt�istiyi3t �51efi design <br />standards ofpylonsi,in:the:I3ev$logm¢rit.and:contain;atria stnry.;pase „old=;noss,of <br />constructing, repairing and maintaining the Cub Pylon shall be the sole <br />responsibility of Cub. <br />b: Wal-Mart Pylon. Wal-Mart may construct a.pylon sign (the "Wal-Mart Pylon") <br />on the Wal-Mart Tract in the area pictorially shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. <br />Neither the Height, size nor dimension of the Wal-Mart Pylon shall be greater than <br />31 feet in height, 13 feet 5 inches in width and one foot in depth without the <br />consent of the Developer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The <br />design of the Wal-Mart Pylon shall be subject to the sole discretion of Wal-Mart <br />and shatl"be-eonsisterat<with des gar,5tandards of•p3•lons m the Development arid <br />eoutain a 1ua�onry,bas4,; All costs of constructing, repairing and maintaining the <br />Wal-Mart Pylon shall be the sole responsibility of Wal -Mart - <br />c. Developer Directional Monument Signs. Developer shall construct one <br />directional monument sign for the benefit of Cub in the Noi Ili right of way of 39°i <br />Avenue N.E. (the "Cub Directional Monument Sign") and one directional <br />monument sign for the benefit of Wal-Mart in the South right of way of 39°i <br />-21- <br />
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