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2% <br />CUB PYLON EASEMENT AREA <br />over, under, and across LOT 2, BLOCK 1; SILVER <br />LAKE CENTER, according to the -recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County; Minnesota. <br />Said permanent easement is all. that part of said LOT 2 described as follows: Commencing at the <br />:southeast comer of said LOT 2; thence on an assumed bearing of North 0. degrees 04: minutes 00 <br />seconds East along the easterly_ line'pf said LOT2; for "176.69 feetto the point. -of beginning; . <br />thence continuing, northeasterly along the said Easterly line of LOT 2 on a bearing of North 0 <br />degrees 04 ininutes.00 seconds East for 2.61 feet; thence northwesterly along a non-tangential <br />curve for 55.45 feet, concave to the southwest, radius of 60.00 feet, a central angle 52 degrees 56 <br />minutes 20 seconds, on a chord that bears North 26 degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds 'West; thence <br />on a bearing of SOUTH for 40.52 feet; thence, South 45 degrees 60 minutes 00 seconds East for <br />14.14. feet; thence on a bearing of EAST for 13.79 feet :to the point of beginning. <br />