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CC PACKET 07272010
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 07272010
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Last modified
7/30/2015 10:27:17 AM
Creation date
4/30/2014 4:45:07 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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Ordinance Summary
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Publication Newspaper
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27 <br />2) The COUNTY reasonably determines that other costs should be <br />included in the costs of assessment work. <br />If the COUNTY desires to increase the assessment cost pursuant to this <br />paragraph 12(b), it shall give written notice thereof by June 15 of any year and such increase <br />shall apply to the assessment for the calendar year next following the current calendar year. <br />Any such notification shall specifically set forth the amount of any new construction and new <br />parcel appraisal charges. Notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, if any such <br />increase, exclusive of any charge for the estimated costs of new construction and new parcel <br />appraisals, exceeds ten (10%) percent of the amount charged for the assessment for the <br />then current calendar year, exclusive of any charge for the estimated costs of new <br />construction and new parcel appraisals, the CITY may cancel this Agreement by giving to the <br />COUNTY written notice thereof, provided that said cancellation notice must be received by <br />the COUNTY not later than July 24 of the then current calendar year and said cancellation <br />shall be effective no earlier than five (5) days after the receipt of said notice by the COUNTY <br />and not later than July 31 of said current calendar year. Supportive records of the cost <br />increase will be open to inspection by the CITY at such times as are mutually agreed upon <br />by the COUNTY and CITY. <br />Failure of the COUNTY to give the CITY a price -change notice by June 15 <br />shall not preclude the COUNTY from giving CITY such notice after said date but prior to <br />September 1 of any year, provided that if such price increase exceeds said ten (10%) - <br />all as above set forth - the CITY may cancel this Agreement if the COUNTY receives <br />notice thereof not later than thirty-nine (39) days from the date of receipt by the CITY of <br />any said late price -change notice, provided further that any such cancellation shall be <br />effective not earlier than five (5) days after COUNTY's receipt of said cancellation <br />(7) <br />
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