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North <br />Suburban <br />Communications <br />Commission <br />January 14, 2011 <br />Mayor Jerry Faust <br />4033 Silver Lake Terrace <br />St. Anthony, MN 55421 <br />Mike Mornson, City Manager <br />City of St. Anthony <br />3301 Silver Lake Road <br />St. Anthony, MN 55421 <br />Dear Mayor Faust and Mr. Mornson: <br />North Suburbs <br />Last October, your city received a letter from Kathi Donnelly -Cohen, Director of <br />Government Affairs for Comcast's Twin Cities cable systems, notifying you of the cable <br />company's intention to renew the current cable television franchise. Your city's franchise <br />expires on October 1, 2013, but federal law requires this notification to be sent to the local <br />franchising authority 30 to 36 months prior to expiration of the franchise. <br />To begin the franchise renewal process, which is technically a form of administrative <br />litigation, the North Suburban Communications Commission (NSCC) requests that your city <br />adopt the attached resolution delegating to the NSCC the responsibility for conducting the <br />renewal proceedings. Although the NSCC Joint Powers Agreement already empowers the <br />Commission to act on each city's behalf in the franchise renewal process, the commission <br />believes that adopting the resolution will forestall any arguments by the cable company to the <br />contrary. <br />Because, in order to start the franchise renewal process, the Commission and its staff <br />must soon begin the required evaluation of Comcast's compliance with the current franchise <br />and the required needs assessment, the commission asks that your city council act <br />expeditiously to pass the resolution. The commission would like to have all of the cities adopt <br />the resolution by the end of February if possible. <br />Because the commission understands that you and your city council members will <br />probably have questions about the franchise renewal process, our staff has prepared the <br />attached Fact Sheet that addresses some of the questions that are more frequently asked. In <br />addition, our Executive Director, Coralie Wilson, is available to attend a city council meeting or <br />work session to review the process and respond to your council members' questions and/or <br />Arden Hills Falcon Heights Lauderdale Little Camila Mounds View New Brighton North Oaks Roseville St. Anthony Shoreview <br />