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written recommendation to the City concerning whether renewal of the Franchise should be <br />approved or denied under the formal and/or informal renewal processes. <br />Section 8. Nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to limit the powers of the <br />Commission under the Joint Powers Agreement or to otherwise waive or limit the Commission's <br />authority, rights, remedies and defenses under applicable agreements, laws, regulations, orders <br />and decisions. <br />Section 9. The Commission shall keep the City fully appraised of the status and <br />progress of the formal and informal renewal processes, as appropriate. <br />0 <br />Section 10. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. <br />ADOPTED on this 8"' day of February, 2011. <br />St. Anthony, Minnesota <br />Mayor <br />City Clerk <br />Review for Administration: <br />City Manager <br />19 <br />17 <br />