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21 <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />RESOLUTION 11-020 <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ST ANTHONY TO <br />PARTICIPATE IN THE MINNESOTA GREENSTEP CITIES PROGRAM <br />WHEREAS, the GreenStep Cities Program aims to provide Minnesota cities a pathway to <br />greater sustainability based upon implementing best practices specific to <br />Minnesota cities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program provides cost-effective sustainable <br />development best practices in the following five categories: (1) Buildings and <br />Facilities; (2) Transportation; (3) Land Use; (4) Environmental Management; <br />and (5) Economic and Community Development; and <br />WHEREAS, due to the multiple environmental, economic, and social dimensions of the <br />sustainability best practices, leadership from a city's council is needed to <br />oversee their implementation and coordination/ integration with other city <br />activities; and <br />WHEREAS, the GreenStep Cities Program champions sustainability goals and practices <br />consistent with the City of St Anthony goals and mission statement; and <br />WHEREAS, information on the program was presented by Phil Muessig on December 1, <br />2010 and discussed with Jay Hartman, Public Works Director and Mike <br />Mornson, City Manager; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of St. Anthony does hereby <br />authorize the City of St Anthony to participate in the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program: <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of St Anthony will take the following steps to <br />become recognized as a Minnesota GreenStep City: <br />1. Appoint Jay Hartman as a Minnesota GreenStep Cities Coordinator to <br />facilitate the City's GreenStep Program development and implementation; <br />and <br />2. Prepare and maintain an energy use inventory on all public buildings using <br />the Minnesota B3 Public Building Benchmarking database; and <br />3. Involve community members, civic and education organizations and <br />business <br />in the planning, promoting, and implementing of GreenStep Cities <br />sustainable development best practices; to include Newsletter, Web Page, <br />Civil Groups; and <br />4. Identify which GreenStep best practices a city has implemented and which <br />best practices will initially be considered for implementation; and <br />