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Q� ;D� 00Rli§8Y". 26 <br />RORUY & WHITNRy I Lo <br />J01tbl!'�7, <br />;kt�llpuolnntm+�dannynara <br />tanttary 4, 2011 <br />Mr..Miahaol Mt>�ttaon <br />CifyMrtnager • <br />City of St. Anthony <br />33171 Silver jAel izead <br />St. Anthony, MIDI 55418 <br />Re: Restrictions on Smoking in Tobacco Peoduots Shop <br />Dear Mr. Mornson: <br />An exception to the ban on smoking in public places WcOntained in Minnesota Statqtes, <br />Section 144,4167, Subd. 4, and permits the lighting of tobacco in a tobacco products shop by a. <br />customer or potential customer for the specific purpose of sampling tobacco products however, <br />MiimmOta Statutes, Section 144.417, provides that nothing in Minnesota Statutes, Sections <br />144.414 to 144.417 prohibits the City from coaoting and enforcing more stringent measures to <br />Protect individuals fromsecondhand smoke, and pursuant to this authority the City is considering <br />amendments to its tobacco ordinance to prohibit or restriot smoking in,tobaoco products shops, <br />While the City is studying whether to amend the ordinance it has imposed a moratorium on the <br />issuance of new licenses for paper and tobacco shops. <br />In connection with considering the amendments to the tobacco ordinance I understand <br />that questions have beon raised as to hour to deal with the two encisting tobacco products shops <br />where sampling is presently odcurring. In my opinion the City could prohibit smoking in these <br />shops either us of the effective date of the ordinance or as of a future date specified in the <br />ordinance, lust because. smoking is presently occurring in these shops does not preclude the City <br />from prohibiting smoking in these shops under the authority in Minnesota Statutes, Section <br />144.417. This is similar to the smoking ban in bars and restaurants that was imposed by certain <br />cities and counties prior to the state-wide smoking ban becoming effective in 2007, <br />In lieu of prohibiting smoking in existing tobacco products shops the City could <br />grandfather these shops from the smoking ban subject to certain conditions or rules specified in <br />the ordinance, :uT(l so long as such shop remains Opened and liceiused and the conditioxis are <br />complied with, smoking will continue to be permitted• If the conditions in the ordinance are <br />violated the right to the sampling of tobacco products in the shop can be revoked or suspended <br />upon notice and opportunity for a hearing similar to.lhat provided to Section 111.056 of the City <br />Code. <br />The nuor'atorimn.irnposed by the City for the issuance of new paper mind tobacco license <br />was for one year or until terru,inated by the City Council One year is the nlaxlrnurn t6rn1 of this <br />1)OR^SEY-& WFIITN EY UP WWW,D O RS GY.00 M I.T 512,340"X6.00 •'F' 6,12,14:p,26Q(3 <br />-SUITIF IN(10' S0 SOUTH SIXTid STRFrr • MINNI-APOLIS, MIN Nf:50TA 5.5402-1495 <br />LISA CANADA rUl OPR AGIA-PACII'li. <br />