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CC PACKET 06282011
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CC PACKET 06282011
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4/30/2014 4:43:47 PM
City Council
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I. Sanitary Sewer Back -Ups. For sanitary sewer back-ups: <br />A. The back-up must have resulted from a condition in the City of St. Anthony's <br />sanitary sewer system or lines, and not from a condition in a private line. <br />B. The back-up must not have been caused by catastrophic weather or other events for <br />which Federal Emergency Management Assistance is available. <br />C. The back-up must not have been caused by an interruption in electric power to the <br />City of St. Anthony's sewer system or to any City of St. Anthony's lift station, which <br />continues for more than 72 hours. <br />D. The back-up must not have been caused by rainfall or precipitation that would <br />constitute a 100 -year storm as determined by the National Weather Service. <br />E. Neither the City of St. Anthony nor LMCIT will reimburse any costs which have been <br />or are eligible to be covered under a property owner's own homeowners' or other <br />property insurance, or which would be eligible to be reimbursed under a National <br />Flood Insurance Protection (NFIP) policy, whether or not the property owner <br />actually has NFIP Coverage. <br />F. The maximum amount that the City of St. Anthony or LMCIT will reimburse is <br />$25,000 per building, per year. In this regard, a structure or group of structures <br />served by a single connection to the City of St. Anthony's sewer system is considered <br />a single building. <br />II. Water Main Breaks. For water main breaks: <br />A. LMCIT will pay for claims presented by the City of St. Anthony for water main break <br />damage to property of others which was not caused by the City of St. Anthony's <br />negligence. <br />B. Neither the City of St. Anthony nor LMCIT will pay for damages or expenses for <br />which the property owner has been or is eligible to be reimbursed by any <br />homeowners' or other property insurance. <br />C. The maximum amount that the City of St. Anthony or LMCIT will reimburse is <br />$25,000 to any claimant, regardless of the number of occurrences or the number of <br />properties affected. <br />D. Neither the City of St. Anthony nor LMCIT will pay more than $250,000 for water <br />main break damages resulting form any single occurrence. All water main break <br />damage which occurs during any period of 72 consecutive hours is deemed to result <br />from a single occurrence. If the total water main break damage for all claimants in a <br />single occurrence exceeds $250,000, the reimbursement to each claimant will be <br />calculated as follows: <br />1. A preliminary reimbursement figure is established for each claimant, equal to <br />the lesser of the claimant's actual damages or $25,000 <br />2. The sum of the preliminary reimbursement figures for all claimants will be <br />calculated. <br />3. Each claimant will be paid a percentage of his or her preliminary <br />reimbursement figure, equal to the percentage calculated by dividing ,,$'250,000 <br />by the sum of all claimants' preliminary reimbursement figures. <br />
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