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22 <br />The Finance Director shall apply the Post -Issuance Debt Compliance Procedures to each <br />qualifying obligation and maintain a record of the results. Further, the Finance Director <br />will ensure that the Post -Issuance Debt Compliance Policy and Procedures are updated on a <br />regular and as needed basis. <br />The Finance Director or any other individuals responsible for assisting the Finance Director <br />in maintaining records needed to ensure post -issuance debt compliance, are authorized to <br />expend funds as needed to attend training or secure use of other educational resources for <br />ensuring compliance such as consulting, publications, and compliance assistance. <br />Most of the provisions of this Post -Issuance Debt Compliance Policy are not applicable to <br />taxable governmental obligations unless there is a reasonable possibility that the City may <br />refund their taxable governmental obligation, in whole or in part, with the proceeds of a <br />tax-exempt governmental obligation. If this refunding possibility exists, then the Finance <br />Director shall treat the taxable governmental obligation as if such issue were an issue of <br />tax-exempt governmental obligations and comply with the requirements of this Post - <br />Issuance Debt Compliance Policy. <br />Private Activity Bonds <br />The City may issue tax-exempt obligations that are "private activity" bonds because either <br />(1) the bonds finance a facility that is owned by the City but used by one or more qualified <br />501(c)(3) organizations, or (2) the bonds are so-called "conduit bonds", where the proceeds <br />are loaned to a qualified 501(c)(3) organization or another private entity that finances <br />activities eligible for tax-exempt financing under federal law (such as certain <br />manufacturing projects and certain affordable housing projects). Prior to the issuance of <br />either of these types of bonds, the Finance Director shall take steps necessary to ensure that <br />such obligations will remain in compliance with the requirements of this Post -Issuance <br />Debt Compliance Policy. <br />In a case where compliance activities are reasonably within the control of a private party <br />(i.e., a 501(c)(3) organization or conduit borrower), the Finance Director may determine <br />that all or some portion of compliance responsibilities described in this Post -Issuance Debt <br />Compliance Policy shall be assigned to the relevant party. In the case of conduit bonds, the <br />conduit borrower will be assigned all compliance responsibilities other than those required <br />to be undertaken by the City under federal law. In a case where the Finance Director is <br />concerned about the compliance ability of a private party, the Finance Director may require <br />that a trustee or other independent third party be retained to assist with record keeping for <br />the obligation and/or that the trustee or such third party be responsible for all or some <br />portion of the compliance responsibilities. <br />The Finance Director is additionally authorized to seek the advice, as necessary, of bond <br />counsel and/or its financial advisor to ensure the City is in compliance with this Post - <br />Issuance Debt Compliance Policy. <br />