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K <br />�nMe'r <br />ill <br />3301 Silver Lake Road • St. Anthony, MN 55418 • (p) 612.782.3301 • (f) 67.2.782.3302 <br />, <br />VARIANCI? APPLICATION <br />PEE: $60 Residential $100 Other Zoning Districts <br />A. GENERAL DATA <br />APPLICANT'S NAME: <br />The above-named individual, firm, or corporation hereby respectfully submits the following information for the purpose of <br />securing a variance from existing land use zoning controls as found in the City of St. Anthony's Zoning Code. <br />ch�ati�vK�t��� <br />contact Person <br />E. PROJECT INFORMATION <br />1.. Subject Property Address: <br />Name <br />0.U04 <br />Pint <br />2. Specify the nature of the project for which a variance is sought: _ <br />3.. Explain hops you }vi.3h to Nary from the applicable prolvisions of the <br />P, <br />V1, M i 611- ko' -< <br />Day Phone <br />4. Explain in a written statement why the strict enforcement of the Ordinance wouid cause practical difficulties for <br />the applicant, preventing the subject property to be used in a reasonable manner; that the plight of the landowner is due to <br />circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; that the variance if granted, will not alter the essential <br />the character of the locality; and that economic considerations alone are not the basis of the practical difficulties. Please <br />address each of these items in your written statement. (City Code §152.245(C)) <br />5. Check all additional supporting documents which are being submitted to help explain this project proposal: <br />Sitellan* ❑ 'I'opogra phic Map Other (specify) -.. <br />Required Can alhmh additional pages to falh/ explain proposal amt neer! for oariance. <br />I IIFREBY CGRTItY WrI,[I MY SIGN A'I'URE TARP AL1. DATA ON MY APPLICATION FORMS, PLANS ANI) SPI'CIFICATIONS ARE 'I'RUE. ANI) <br />CORIOX-r TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. <br />Signaume <br />EXPIRATION <br />Date <br />Within one (t) yearafter the approval of a variance or appeal if the property owner or applicant has not substantially <br />started the construction of any building, structure, addition or alteration requested as part of the approval, said variance <br />shall become null and void unless an application for extension of (lie approval has been submitted. A letter to extend <br />the approval of a variance shall be submitted to the City Planner not less than thirty (30) days before the expiration of <br />said approval. Such letter shall state the fact for the request, showing, a good faith attempt to utilize the variance, and <br />it shall state the additional time being requested to begin the proposed construction. The City Council may grant extensions <br />not to exceed one (1) year. <br />P:\2072 Website\Variance Amendment Application May 2012,docx <br />08-15-12 fap:DO <br />