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45 <br />CITY OF SAINT ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2012-08 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND FOR <br />APPLICANTS FOR CITY EMPLOYMENT AND CITY LICENSES <br />The City Council of the City of Saint Anthony ordains as follows for City Employment: <br />§ 32.50 EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND CHECKS <br />A. Applicants for City Employment <br />(1) Purpose: The purpose and intent of this section is to establish regulations that will allow lazy <br />enforcement access to Minnesota's Computerized Criminal History information for specified non- <br />criminal pi.trposes of employment background checks for City positions. <br />(2) Criminal History Employment Background Investigations: The City of St. Anthony Police <br />Department is Itereby required, as the exclusive entihj within the Cihj, to do a criminal history <br />background investigation on the applicants for the following positions within the city, unless the <br />city's hiring authority concludes that a background investigation is not needed: <br />All full and part-time positions. <br />(3) In conducting the criminal history background investigation in order to screen employment <br />applicants, the Police Department is authorized to access data maintained in the Minnesota Bureau <br />Department of Criminal Apprehensions Computerized Criminal History information system in <br />accordance with BCA policy. Any data that is accessed and acquired shall be maintained at the <br />Police Department under the care and custody of the chief law enforcement official or hisjher <br />designee. A summary of the results of the Computerized Criminal History data may be released by <br />the Police Department to the hiring authority, including the City Council, the City Manager. <br />(4) Before the investigation is undertaken, the applicant must authorize the Police Department by <br />written consent to undertake the investigation. The written consent must fully comply with the <br />provisions of MN Statute Chapter 13 regarding the collection, maintenance and use of the <br />information. Except for the positions set forth in Minnesota Statutes Sections 364.09, the City will <br />not reject an applicant for employment on the basis of the applicant's prior conviction unless the <br />crime is directly related to the position ofemployment sought and the conviction is for a felony, <br />gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor with a jail sentence. If the Cihj rejects the applicant's request <br />on this basis, the City shall notify the applicant in writing of the following: <br />a. The grounds and reasons for the denial. <br />b. The applicant complaint and grievance procedure set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section <br />364.06. <br />c. The earliest date the applicant may reapply for employment. <br />d. That all competent evidence of rehabilitation will be considered upon <br />reapplication. <br />