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4'2 <br />amendment/update to the PUD Development Agreement for the construction of a 172 -unit <br />affordable senior housing development; and <br />WHEREAS, after review, said application was found to be complete by City staff; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the request based on the <br />related documents shown in the Applicants' application at their regular meeting on January 28, <br />2013; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request; and <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of St. <br />Anthony Village approves the Applicants' site plan approval request based on the following <br />findings: <br />The requested approval of the site plan is consistent with all the standards for granting <br />a Revision and/or Change to a PUD for a "minor change in location, placement, and <br />height" as described in Section 152.206 of the St. Anthony Village Zoning Code. <br />More specifically, the City Council 'finds that the requested site plan approval is <br />justified for the following reasons: <br />a. The Applicant is proposing to use their property in a reasonable manner as <br />permitted by the zoning code and Final Development Plans as approved. By <br />developing the site as affordable senior apartment, the Applicant is fulfilling a <br />portion of the intent of the overall Redevelopment Plan of the Northwest <br />Quadrant Area. <br />b. Granting site plan approval is consistent with the City's comprehensive land use <br />plan and is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the City's Code <br />relating to protecting the use districts. The use of the property will be consistent <br />with the approved Final Development Plan, the Phase III Redevelopment <br />Agreement, as well as the existing surrounding developments. <br />c. The proposed site layout and building design have been sited in such a way that <br />they should not pose a negative visual impression on neighboring property. <br />Building design, layout, parking, landscaping, access drives, lighting, and trash <br />storage were all studied and analyzed during original PUD Development Plan <br />review and approval, as well as during each subsequent Redevelopment <br />Agreement. As studied and approved previously, the Applicant's proposed <br />development does not appear that it will create impacts to adjacent property with <br />regard to water drainage, parking and access drives, lighting or trash storage that <br />weren't previously designed for or studied. <br />d. There are no known unique geologic, geographic and historically significant <br />conditions on site. <br />