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honv <br />61a C.% <br />City of St. Anthony Village <br />Pre -Planning Work <br />October 23, 2012 <br />Introduction <br />On Thursday, January 10 and Friday, January 1 I our annual City of St. Anthony Strategic <br />Planning retreat is scheduled. In order to be as productive as possible, city staff and the City <br />Council will be doing some pre -planning work. The Mayor and City Council will go through a <br />similar exercise on December 3. <br />Your input is valuable and important for us to be successful in creating the short & long term <br />vision for the future. The information gathered during the pre -planning work will be <br />incorporated into a document that will be used at the upcoming strategic planning session. <br />Your homework assignment is to answer the three Questions identified on page two. First we ask <br />that you consider descriptive qualities that you think will define and represent the City in 2025. <br />Your list does not have to be exhaustive; we are looking for items that — in your mind — will <br />define our City. These can be statements, words, or phrases. <br />Second we ask that you identify what St. Anthony will look like in 2025. This question is meant <br />to be challenging and thought-provoking. We want you to describe what you think the City <br />should look like in 13 years to the year 2025. These should be phrases or several paragraphs. <br />Finally, we want you to identify specific goals or action steps that can be taken in the near future <br />that will help to secure that the Qualities and characteristics as well as your vision for the City in <br />2025 is realized. To the extent possible these should be measurable or capable of funding and <br />implementing. <br />(over) <br />Addendum 2 <br />