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20 <br />costs incurred by County as the same are directly related to maintenance and <br />repair of the A VT Election Equipment leased by the City which may include the <br />cost of replacement parts. <br />5.3 The City agrees not to make any repairs, changes, modifications or alterations to <br />the Election Equipment or AVT Equipment that are not authorized by Hennepin <br />County and said vendors. <br />5.4 After reasonable notice, the County shall have the right to enter into and upon <br />the premises where the Election Equipment and AVT Equipment is located for <br />the purposes of inspecting the same or observing its use. On an annual basis, <br />during the term of this Agreement, the City shall comply with the County's <br />request for verification of Election Equipment and AVT Equipment inventory. <br />5.5 The City agrees to provide notice to Maintenance Vendor and/or AVT <br />Maintenance Vendor of any defects or malfunctions with the Election Equipment <br />and/or AVT Equipment within twenty-four (24) hours. The City also agrees to <br />provide the County with notice of such malfunctions or defects and the <br />Maintenance Vendor and/or A VT Maintenance Vendor response within a <br />reasonable time. <br />Section 6 <br />PROGRAMMING AND ACCUMULATION <br />6.1 Programming. The County will be responsible for programming the DS200 <br />Digital Scan Election Equipment at no charge to jurisdictions for all races in all <br />elections. <br />6.2 Programming Costs. The City is responsible for paying to the County the <br />programming costs of the AVT Equipment described in paragraph 1.2 at an <br />amount prorated upon the number of columns devoted to the City's races on the <br />ballot. <br />6.3 Results Transmission and Accumulation. The County has invested a <br />significant amount of resources in equipment that allows the DS200 Digital Scan <br />tabulators to electronically transmit election results via wireless technology from <br />each polling place to a central location and for those results to be accumulated <br />and posted on the County's website. There is also a significant operational cost <br />associated with each use of this transmission and accumulation process. <br />6.4 For Cities with a primary and/or a general election, as described in Minn. Stat. §§ <br />205.065 and 205.07, in the even-numbered years, the County will provide results <br />transmission and accumUlation of results of City races in the primary and general <br />election at no cost to the City. <br />6.5 For Cities with a primary and/or a general election, as described in Minn. Stat. §§ <br />205.065 and 205.07, in the odd-numbered years, upon written request by the <br />Page 4 of8