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23 <br />shall correct the error within ten (10) calendar days of notification of the error, if <br />practicable. <br />2. The Municipalities shall also perform all public accuracy testing provided by law <br />for each election and may request the County's assistance in conducting these <br />tests, at no charge. <br />3. The Municipalities may not lease or purchase any additional hardware and <br />software during the term of this Agreement or any extensions without the prior <br />approval of the County. <br />4. Each of the Municipalities shall lease or purchase at least one ballot counter, a <br />ballot marking device, and a ballot box for each precinct in the Municipality. <br />C. Payment <br />Each of the Municipalities is responsible for payment in accordance with the provisions <br />of this Agreement. <br />V. OWNERSHIP/SOFTWARE LICENSE <br />A. The County will initially own all System Equipment. <br />13. Upon payment in full to the County in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, each <br />Of the Municipalities will own the ballot counters, ballot marking devices, and related <br />equipment that were originally purchased by the County under this Agreement; this <br />provision shall not apply to equipment leased by the County. The County will maintain <br />ownership of backup ballot counters and ballot marking devices, the central count ballot <br />counters and any precinct ballot counters that are needed for counting absentee ballots, <br />the memory devices for all ballot counters and ballot marking devices, and the computer <br />hardware and software needed to operate and administer the System. <br />C. The County is the sole Licensee of the System software and the Municipalities are users <br />VL WARRANTY <br />The County makes no representations and extends no warranties with respect to the use of the <br />System and specifically disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not <br />limited to any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. <br />VII. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION FUNDING <br />A. The County will provide initial financing for the costs of acquisition, installation, and <br />implementation of the System ("Implementation Costs"). <br />13. As part of the initial financing of the Implementation Costs, the County will apply state <br />grant funds received under the Help America Vote Act and required County matching <br />funds as a setoff against the Implementation Costs. <br />Joint Poweis Agreement for New voting System — 2013 Page 7 of 19 <br />