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30 <br />What is Aging in Place (AIP)? <br />• Aging in Place is the ability to live in one's own home — <br />wherever that might be- for as long as safely, <br />confidently and comfortably possible. Livability may <br />be enhanced and extended through the incorporation <br />of services and features, such as universal design. <br />What is Universal Design? <br />• Universal Design is the idea of making things <br />comfortable and convenient for as many different <br />people at as many stages of life as possible. <br />SAV: Home for a Lifetime: Aging in Place Project <br />4 J* s')Centrex ACCESS SOLUTIONS <br />General Grant Objectives <br />• Enhance the quality of life for older adults living in <br />their own homes in St. Anthony Village <br />• Provide home safety assessments and recommendations <br />to 25 older adults over the course of two years. <br />• Provide information and resources on additional services <br />that promote aging in place. <br />• Provide assistance identifying and securing funding <br />resources for implementing aging in place modifications. <br />• Educate consumers and staff at city and GMHC in <br />universal design and aging in place <br />• Provide outreach at a variety of community settings <br />• Provide educational materials to industry professionals <br />SAV: Home for a Lifetime: Aging in Place Project <br />� 41 , R)Centrex Ac.c:Fs3s ,::oG_�_� <br />1/21/2014 <br />2 <br />