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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 4,2016 <br /> Page 2 of 9 <br /> Petryk asked about the future of the building, and Pontrelli explained that the fate of Withrow <br /> Elementary has not been determined,but the District will likely not need it. Petryk said she felt <br /> there would be more growth in the area than what was being projected. Bear added that they <br /> were likely correct in their demographic analysis since that area of Hugo was outside the MUSA. <br /> Petryk asked about the transition of sixth graders into middle school and ninth graders into high <br /> school. Pontrelli and McDowell explained that the community wanted students to have access to <br /> higher programing. <br /> Haas stated that the vitality of the schools is essential to communities, and he talked about how <br /> the City had supported Oneka Elementary School and Hugo Elementary School. Haas said the <br /> decision to close schools isn't clearly understood, and more public input was necessary. <br /> Weidt said he understood the tough spot the district was in to make the schools viable and <br /> financially feasible. His concern was that it has all had been done quickly, and the process <br /> should be slowed down to ensure the right decision is made. <br /> Pontrelli talked about the learning session that was held and how they have made communities <br /> aware of the process. They are happy to listen to alternatives in looking at the capacity district- <br /> wide. There will be a presentation on January 7 to share more information with the community <br /> and public forums on January 26, 27, 28 at 5 p.m. <br /> Weidt talked about how the decision affects the communities, and all options needed to be <br /> considered. He thanked them for attending and encouraged them to slow down the process. <br /> Bear recommended to Council that staff draft a resolution, not providing a formal <br /> recommendation, but on the process, value and impact on the community. Council agreed and <br /> asked it be available for them at the next meeting. <br /> Carter Johnson <br /> Carter Johnson, Publisher of Press Publications and The Citizen, provided a brief update of their <br /> last year and their mission to be the best source of information. He reminded everyone that the <br /> paper is available for anyone who wants to read it. He talked about the new layout and the great <br /> response they have had. He thanked the City, readers, advertisers, and supporters and stated that <br /> their distribution was up 3.5 percent, reaching over 8,000 people. <br /> League of Women Voters—Mary Santi <br /> Mary Santi explained that the White Bear League of Women Voters covers 30 cities from Arden <br /> Hills to the St. Croix River. She said most know them by their community forums,but they also <br /> work between elections to study issues and come to positions they lobby on. They are in their <br /> second year studying the open meetings laws and are visiting cities doing informal audits. The <br /> League will have their report ready at the end of this spring. <br />