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2016.04.18 CC Packet
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2016.04.18 CC Packet
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4/14/2016 4:33:02 PM
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APPENDEX A <br />Hugo Fire Department <br />Policy Regarding Data and Social Media <br />SUBJECT: <br />The collection, taking, production, use, distribution, and release of pictures, recordings, <br />social, digital or other media by members of the Hugo Fire Department while they are on duty <br />or while off-duty and their position allows special access not otherwise available to members of <br />the public. This includes off-duty access to Fire department facilities, apparatus and equipment. <br />PURPOSE: <br />This policy is intended to protect the department, the reputation of the department, the <br />confidentiality of its members, the patients and members of the public with whom we <br />interact. <br />Nothing in this policy is intended to unlawfully restrict a members' First Amendment right to <br />free speech or restrict discussions as a private citizen over matters of public concern. <br />POLICY: <br />• Any photographs, recordings, digital or other media collected, taken, secured, <br />generated or produced while a member is on -duty shall be the property of the fire <br />department . <br />• Any photographs, recordings, digital or other media produced while a member is on - <br />duty for purposes of investigation, training, documentation, or public awareness may <br />be used only with the advance written approval of the Fire Chief. <br />• Any photographs, recordings, digital or other media produced for purely personal <br />purposes while a member is off-duty but through special access shall be generally <br />acceptable and appropriate so as not to impugn the character of the department. Such <br />purely personal media produced should in no way be construed or characterized to be <br />endorsed by the department. Any such media deemed by the Fire Chief to be <br />inappropriate or that is in conflict with the character of the department shall be <br />immediately removed from social media or other public postings. <br />• Any person's social media postings, shall not be construed or characterized as an <br />official release of information by the Hugo Fire Department. Fnecessary, the member <br />shall provide a disclaimer stating that the posting is their own opinion and does not <br />represent that of the department. <br />• Unless otherwise restricted by the MN Data Practices Actor other applicable law, <br />Minnesota Statutes § § 13 et seq. and specifically § 13.82, all photographs, digital <br />recordings or other media that are the property of the fire department may subj ect to <br />public disclosure if directed by the Fire Chief. <br />
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