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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 4,2016 <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br /> MnDOT Speed Limit Change on TH61 <br /> City Engineer Jay Kennedy informed Council that MnDOT had recently completed an <br /> engineering and traffic investigation on Trunk Highway 61 within MnDOT's Metro District to <br /> determine reasonable and safe speed limits. The results indicated one location within the City of <br /> Hugo where the speed limit will increase. The existing 35 mph speed limit between 142"d and <br /> 152nd will increase to 40 mph based on results of data collected. MnDOT will implement the <br /> change during the summer of 2016. The Commissioner of Transportation has authority to <br /> change speed limit whether the City objects or not. The City could have discussions with them if <br /> there was a compelling argument. No formal action was taken. <br /> Legislative Updates <br /> The 2016 Legislative Session began on March 6, 2016. The City has been working with <br /> legislators on bonding requests for the rail line serving the Bald Eagle Industrial Park and for <br /> storm water reuse projects, as well as following other items being discussed at the Capitol. City <br /> Administrator Bryan Bear provided an update to the Council. <br /> Bryan stated there have been discussions with legislators regarding the City's short line railroad <br /> bonding request for $1.1 million for repairs. The bills have been introduced and referred to the <br /> capital investment committee, and there has been support at the Capitol. He explained another <br /> consideration is the state-wide freight railroad preservation bond request for $4,500,000, which <br /> was receiving broader support. Hugo is also requesting partial funding for three stormwater <br /> reuse projects for $1 million with a match from Hugo. The City is working with legislators to <br /> gain momentum after committee hearing. <br /> Bryan talked about the settlement agreement and the two proposals: one being a new water <br /> supply system and the other being augmentation. There has been no support from areas cities so <br /> far, and Hugo has remained neutral. Staff has been tracking bills relating to the White Bear Lake <br /> Augmentation. It is unclear how much money is being requesting because of competing costs <br /> estimates, and there is no clear answer as to who is going to own and operate it. He also talked <br /> about the City's role in the settlement agreement and the 17%water reduction requirement, <br /> stating that Hugo may be uniquely qualified to meet it, dependent on the DNR's rules. Staff has <br /> been working with the DNR on the water appropriations process to get them to understand their <br /> process is creating a barrier on good projects. The discussion is ongoing internally at the DNR. <br /> Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br /> Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein updated the Council on the activities of the Yellow <br /> Ribbon Network to date. The YRN received a thank-you from the 133rd Airlift Wing. Haas <br /> thanked Oneka Golf Course for being the Hamburger Night March sponsor. Girl Scout cookies <br /> to be distributed soon. The Bayport Legion will be donating $200 a month to the YRN. The <br /> Bayport Legion hold the charitable gambling license at Sal's Angus Grill. <br /> Update on Metropolitan Council Stormwater Grants <br /> Haas talked about the Metropolitan Council Stormwater Grants and that the grants will be funded <br />