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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule a joint meeting with the RCWD. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Roadway Capital Improvement Proiects <br />One of the City Council's ongoing priorities is to consider roadway capital improvement projects <br />in an effort to maintain City infrastructure. The current CIP includes a number of potential <br />roadway projects, prioritized by need based on bi-annual roadway ratings. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy outlined the current CIP priorities for the Council, explaining the top <br />project were the Rice Lake Meadows neighborhood, 147th and Oneka Lake Boulevard, and <br />Upper and Lower Homestead Avenue. Jay also talked about the intersection at 145th Street and <br />Goodview Avenue and how that would affect the cost of the Rice Lake Meadows project <br />dependent on what was done there. Jay asked Council for direction to proceed with a <br />neighborhood meeting for one of the priority projects presented <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule a neighborhood meeting with the Rice Lake <br />Meadows residents to discuss a street reconstruction project in that neighborhood. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Proclamation Proclaiming October 19-25, 2014 as Manufacturing Week <br />The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, the Minnesota <br />Precision Manufacturing Association, and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce are partners in <br />promoting Minnesota Manufacturers Week October 19-25, 2014. Staff has prepared a <br />proclamation proclaiming October 19-25, 2014 Manufacturing Week and recommended Council <br />approve this proclamation. City Administrator Bryan Bear stated that staff, in the past, has sent a <br />note of "Thanks" to all Hugo manufacturing companies. <br />Hass made motion, Klein seconded to approve the Proclamation proclaiming October 19-25 as <br />Manufacturing Week, continuing sending "Thank You" notes, and include a copy of the <br />proclamation with the note. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Victor Gardens Groundwater Improvement Project — Tony Schwab <br />In 2010 a project was completed in the Victor Gardens neighborhood to address groundwater <br />that was affecting a number of residents following the construction of their homes. Groundwater <br />had been causing flooded basements for several residents, algae and slime on the private <br />alleyways, and constant pumping of water through sump pumps. The project involving a series <br />of pipes to divert the water to the storm system was completed successfully at a cost of <br />approximately $95,800, with funds from the Rice Creek Watershed District Storm water <br />remediation project of approximately $50,000, and the City of Hugo paid the balance. <br />