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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 4, 2013 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />proposed ordinance specified how City services, equipment, and/or staff time would be paid <br />dependent on what type of event it was. Under this policy, firefighters would be paid their <br />hourly rate when their attendance was required, and events sponsored by the Fireman's Relief <br />Association would be considered volunteer. <br />Mayor Weidt inquired on the impacts to the budget. City Administrator Bryan Bear explained <br />that money was designated in the 2013 budget for this in the event this policy was adopted. The <br />Council also questioned specific events and what category they would fall in. <br />Cindy Petty, 13679 Fiona Avenue North, talked about the Hugo Business Association Warm <br />Hearts for Charity event, Hugo Good Neighbor Food Shelf events, and school run event. She <br />acknowledged City staff has assisted in these events and she asked about the permitting process. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear informed her groups could apply for all events on one permit if <br />they wished. He also noted that many event organizers are able to do the work the City does for <br />them. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to table discussion to permit staff to compile a list of <br />events. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) <br />Staff has sited many ordinances in the Hugo City Code that are in need of review and <br />amendment. Over the past years, the Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) had been established <br />to review these ordinances. Currently on the Committee are Planning Commissioners Bob <br />Rosenquist, Bronwen Kleissler, and Rick Gwynn. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to appoint Council Members Tony Bronk and Phil Klein to <br />serve on the ORC with Council Member Petryk to serve as an alternate. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Resolution and Proposed Legislation Requesting Funding for a Joint Water <br />System Feasibility Study <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear discussed with the Council the meetings with staff from Lino <br />Lakes, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Columbus on shared services. Mayor Tom <br />Weidt and Council member Phil Klein had attended one of the meetings. City Administrator <br />Bryan Bear explained that the Cities have collaborated in joint purchasing of materials for snow <br />and ice control, formation of a Building Inspector Pool, and the sharing of equipment. One <br />discussion has centered on the possibility of a joint municipal water supply system. Staff <br />provided the Council with a draft resolution and possible legislation to study the feasibility of <br />this idea. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained that emergency interconnections with the City of Lino <br />Lakes currently exist. The benefit of sharing services with other cities would be the increase in <br />purchasing power for chemicals used in the wells, greater efficiency in maintenance, potential to <br />