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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 3, 2013 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />assessment policy and the exhibit be combined into a single resolution to allow for the more <br />convenient administration and dissemination of information to the public. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2013-19 ADOPTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT <br />POLICIES. <br />Approve Appointment of Mike Gallivan as Member of the EDA <br />The City Council held interviews on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 for the vacancy on the Economic <br />Development Authority. Of the three candidates interviewed, consensus of the Council was that <br />Mike Gallivan was the best fit for the position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />appointment of Mike Gallivan as the new member of the EDA with a term to expire on <br />December 31, 2016. <br />Approve Property Line Adjustment for Property Located South of 130th and West of <br />Goodview Avenue <br />T.J. Land Trust Company is requesting approval of a property line adjustment between two <br />properties located south of 130th and west of Goodview Avenue. The existing parcels are 24.87 <br />acres (Parcel A) and 38.55 (Parcel B) acres. The existing Parcel B does not have road access. <br />The result will be a 19.01 acre parcel (Parcel A-1) and a 44.41 acre parcel (Parcel B-1), giving <br />Parcel B-1 road access to Goodview Avenue. Staff finds that both properties will conform to the <br />City's minimum lot requirements after the relocation of the common property line. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2013-20 APPROVING A PROPERTY LINE <br />ADJUSTMENT FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED SOUTH OF 130TH STREET AND WEST OF <br />GOODVIEW AVENUE. <br />Approve Resignation of Firefighter Jesse Seering <br />Firefighter Jesse Seering has submitted his letter of resignation to Fire Chief Kevin Colvard. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved his resignation effective June 30, 2013 <br />Approve Resignation of Firefighter Kevin O'Neill <br />Firefighter Kevin O'Neill has submitted his letter of resignation to Fire Chief Kevin Colvard. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved his resignation effective May 27, 2013. <br />Approve Feasibility Study and Assessment Agreement for Rosemary Way <br />At its April 1, 2013 Council meeting, the Council reviewed a petition from Len Pratt for roadway <br />and utility improvements to Rosemary Way. Following review and discussion, the Council <br />authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report related to the proposed improvements. City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy provided background on this item and presented the findings of the <br />Feasibility Report and the proposed Assessment Agreement with Mr. Pratt. <br />Proposed improvements would include roadway and sidewalk construction, street lighting, and <br />watermain and sanitary sewer to serve the eastern portion of the plat. Sewer for the western <br />portion is already in place. The project was estimated at $1,070,970. The City would fund <br />