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Hugo City Council Minutes for June 18, 2013 Water Conservation Workshop <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Council Discussion <br />The Council agreed the main goal is to protect the City's water resource, and they outlined <br />several possible methods to achieve this. <br />• Irrigation through reuse of storm water. <br />• Build water reuse into the rate structure. <br />• Dual water system, one for drinking and one for storm water. The two systems would <br />have to be separate <br />• Build a water tower to store storm water. <br />• Landscaping requirements could change by requiring shade trees, native landscapes, low <br />water use plantings/turf, or discourage massive unused turf areas. <br />• Review ordinances to allow planting of native vegetation. This may cause problems with <br />neighboring property owners. <br />• Use of artificial turf. <br />• Voluntary water audits to alert residentsibusiness owners on high water usages. City <br />should lead by example by performing a water audit on City facilities. <br />• City rebates as incentive for installation of water conservation systems. Money could be <br />set aside in the water fund to cover this. <br />• Encourage residents to use conservation practices through education outreach, promotion, <br />and recognition. <br />• Send educational letter to known high water users. <br />• Enforce odd/even watering, increase violation penalty amount, print it on the bill or bill <br />envelopes. <br />• Look at other cities water rate structure and make Hugo's more aggressive. <br />• Review of WAC fee. Reduce fees if project is designed to use much less water. Work on <br />the business component; determine how it would affect businesses. <br />• Use of soil monitors/rain sensors <br />• Determine the cost and logistics of storm water reuse <br />• Determine costs on NPDS and other rules, and what would be saved if we kept polluted <br />water. <br />Direction to Staff <br />Council directed staff to gather more information and schedule another meeting in 6-8 weeks. <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to adjourn at 7:09 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michele Lindau <br />City Clerk <br />