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Hugo City Council Minutes for August 27, 2013 Water Conservation Workshop <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />• Concentrate on retrofit of HOAs which have the highest documented usage of water for <br />irrigation. <br />• Create future development guidelines which ensure any new development is completed in <br />such a way as to reduce the stormwater generated as well as reuse any stormwater that is <br />generated. <br />• Incentivize homeowner water stewardship by providing funding mechanisms to make <br />purchasing of water efficient shower heads, toilets, washing machines, etc more <br />affordable. <br />• Incentivize the purchase of personal stormwater storage mechanisms like rain barrels for <br />homeowner usage. <br />• Evaluate rate charges for water usage so that large water consumers are paying a higher <br />percentage of the water costs than the users who use water at lesser rates. <br />Direction to Staff <br />Council directed staff to gather more information and schedule another meeting in 6-8 weeks. <br />Klein made motion, Bronk seconded, to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Eric Maass <br />Community Development Intern <br />