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MINUTES FOR THRIVE MSP 2014 WORKSHOP <br />OCTOBER 25, 2013 <br />10:30 A.M. <br />MAPLEWOOD LIBRARY <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Weidt, Council Members Bronk, Haas, Klein, Petryk <br />CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Planner Rachel Juba, Community <br />Development Intern Eric Maas <br />The Council participated in a workshop held by the Metropolitan Council at the Maplewood <br />Library, 3025 Southlawn Drive, in Maplewood. The Metropolitan Council developed <br />preliminary local forecasts of population, households and employment to 2040. This workshop <br />was held to provide more information on proposed policies for Thrive MSP 2040, and to gather <br />feedback on that and local forecasts. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michele Lindau <br />City Clerk <br />