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Mayor Weidt suggested that the County execute marketing initiatives to promote the spur of <br />economic development in Hugo. Council Member Arcand agreed with the notion that marketing <br />needed to be completed to aid in painting a more proper picture of what the City of Hugo is <br />today and all it has to offer to potential businesses. Council Member Bronk agreed and stated <br />this was vital to attract and retain young professional in the City of Hugo. <br />EDA Member Puleo stated that some development has been slowed or gone completely stagnant <br />as a result of the cost of infrastructure. He was interested to learn if the County would have any <br />way of aiding in this initial cost. Washington County representative Jane Harper described the <br />availability of assistance through federal block grants. Washington County Commissioner Fran <br />Miron described a potential program which would entail a low interest loan fund which could be <br />used to fund such infrastructure projects. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear described the current Metropolitan Council initial population <br />growth forecasts and how Washington County could be involved through their legislative <br />agenda. He echoed the importance of accessible and quality infrastructure as a primary driver of <br />future economic development within the City of Hugo. He also suggested that Washington <br />County conduct a corridor study along County Road 4 to assess the size of the currently required <br />right-of-way. He stated that a corridor study was completed along Highway 61, with the end <br />result being a 50' reduction in the required right -of way, further aiding economic development in <br />that transit corridor. He commented that current federal community development block grants <br />were heavily geared towards the subsidizing of affordable housing projects making it very <br />difficult to secure those funds for infrastructure projects. <br />Mayor Weidt provided closing statements and thanked everyone for coming and making the <br />meeting a great success. <br />David Unmacht echoed Mayor Weidts comments and thanked all in attendance for their <br />participation. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to adjounl at 6:32 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Eric Maass <br />Community Development Intern <br />