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165TH STREET NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 14, 2103 <br />7 P.M. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Weidt, Council Members Bronk, Haas, and Klein <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: Council Member Petryk <br />STAFF PRESENT: Jay Kennedy, Scott Anderson, Steve Duff, Diane Hankee, Eric Maass <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy outlined the City of Hugo's Capital Improvement Plan and Property <br />Assessment practices as they relate to the proposed 165th street improvement project. He <br />informed property owners in attendance of the proposed construction method for 165th should <br />they decide they are in favor of the project. Council Member Haas reminded those in attendance <br />that the council would only move forward with the project if adjacent property owners approved <br />of it. <br />Eighteen neighborhood members were present, representing 14 total properties. Concern was <br />raised about the possible damage caused by extra traffic during construction of the round -a -bout. <br />Jay Kennedy informed those present that he had reached out to both Washington County and the <br />State of Minnesota to possibly aid in the reconstruction of the road due to that increase in traffic; <br />however, both parties declined to aid in the reconstruction as 165th was not the official round -a- <br />bout detour. <br />Many neighborhood members inquired about the possibility of widening the road to make it safer <br />for bicyclists, walkers, and horseback riders. <br />Concern was also mentioned regarding the lifespan of the existing culvert in place. Council <br />Member Haas suggested the culvert be replaced at the time of road construction to avoid costly <br />repairs after the road was repaved. <br />Mayor Tom Weidt provided closing statements indicating his perception that those in attendance <br />where in large part in support of the project. <br />Klein made motion, Hass seconded, to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Eric Maass <br />Community Development Intern <br />