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2012.04.25 CC Minutes - Joint RCWD Meeting
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City Council Minutes
2012 CC Minutes
2012.04.25 CC Minutes - Joint RCWD Meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />JOINT MEETING WITH THE RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT (RCWD) <br />WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 2012 <br />PRESENT FROM COUNCIL: Chuck Haas, Phil Klein, Becky Petryk, Tom Weidt, Mayor Fran <br />Miron <br />PRESENT FROM STAFF: City Administrator Bryan Bear, City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />ALSO PRESENT: RCWD Administrator Phil Belfiori, WSB Water Resource Engineer Pete <br />Willenbring; City Engineer Jay Kennedy; RCWD Consulting Engineer <br />Engineers Mark Deutschman; RCWD Board Members Steve Wagamon, <br />Barbara Haake, Harley Ogata, John Waller, Board President Patricia Preiner <br />The meeting took place in the City of Shoreview Council Chambers. <br />C.I.P- Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring provided a brief explanation on 19 projects <br />that are included in the Cities Stormwater CIP and spoke about the sequencing requirement as <br />part of the RCWD rules, which prevents a larger regional project. Waller stated those projects <br />were best managed by the watershed district. Ogata spoke about the five sub -watershed districts. <br />Willenbring said there needed to be a better definition of "regional" and requested the rules be <br />amended to relax the sequencing requirement. <br />Oneka Ridge Golf Course — Rice Creek Watershed District Administrator Phil Belfiori explained <br />the water reuse project for Oneka Ridge Golf Course to be done with grant money from the <br />Legacy Fund. The golf course was reviewing the agreements, which need to be submitted to the <br />state in a timely manner. Waller talked about phosphorous and stated they needed to quit using it <br />on the golf course. Ogata indicated that it was not likely Oneka Ridge would have received the <br />grant had they not addressed the phosphorous. The use of phosphorous on the golf course will be <br />included in discussions with them. <br />Bald Eagle Lake Outlet - Watershed Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring explained the <br />deterioration of the outlet under 129th Street at the north end of Bald Eagle Lake and asked for <br />financial assistance to replace it. RCWD Administrator Phil Belfiori stated it was not included in <br />the 5-10 year CIP, and Pete asked that the Board consider updating the CIP to include the project <br />within the next few years. The Board suggested water quality be a component of the project and <br />agreed to bring it back to the board table for discussion. <br />JD2 - City Engineer Jay Kennedy talked about the agreement between the City and RCWD for <br />annual ditch maintenance of JD2 where RCWD agrees to reimburse the City up to $40,000 per <br />year of these costs. Jay explained the agreement limits flexibility on how to get the projects done <br />since most were weather permitting, and he requested an amendment to the agreement to allow <br />annual projects to be expanded to include the following years work if weather conditions were <br />favorable. The Board agreed to bring it back to the board table for discussion. <br />
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