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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Strub. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the application for a water surface use permit <br />on Sunset Lake for the homeowners to hold water skiing events on the slalom course. <br />Approve Joint Powers Agreement for Goodview Avenue Paving and Maintenance <br />At its May 7, 2012 meeting, the Council heard an update from City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />regarding the paving of Goodview Avenue south of Hugo into the City of Grant and White Bear <br />Township. Both the Grant City Council and White Township Board approved the proposed Joint <br />Powers Agreement related to paving this section of Goodview Avenue. Based on these <br />approvals, City staff has revised the Joint Powers Agreement for consideration by the Council. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Joint Powers Agreement for the paving and <br />maintenance of Goodview Avenue. <br />Approve Extension of Purchase Agreement with FBF, LLC for City Owned Property on <br />Egg Lake <br />At its May 14, 2012 meeting, the Hugo Economic Development Authority considered the request <br />from developers who are working with the City of Hugo to develop a restaurant/event center on Egg <br />Lake, immediately across the street from the Hugo City Hall. Dick Fischer, Mark Finnemann, and <br />Mike Brass working under the corporation name FBF, LLC., requested approval of an extension of <br />the purchase agreement for another year. The purchase agreement is set to expire on June 6, 2012. <br />The EDA made a recommendation to the City Council to approve the extension of the purchase <br />agreement for one year. A new purchase agreement that would expire on May 21, 2013 is enclosed <br />and will be signed if the Council approves the extension. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the extension of the Purchase Agreement with FBF, LLC for City owned property on Egg Lake <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Marsha and Darrel Bunge <br />Marsha and Darrel Bunge have applied for a Special Event Permit (SEP) to hold a wedding <br />reception at their home at 14696 Fondant Avenue North on Saturday, July 28, 2012. A SEP is <br />needed for this event because they will be having amplified music. The applicant would like to <br />have a three-piece band that will be playing until 11 p.m. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the SEP for Marsha and Darrel Bunge for a Special Event Permit for Saturday, July 28, <br />2013. <br />Approve Appointment of Mike Granger as an Alternate Member of the EDA <br />Former EDA Member Mike Granger is interested in serving as an alternate member of the EDA. <br />The designation as an alternate member would allow him to serve in place of any commission <br />member unable to attend the EDA meeting and serve during the interim whenever there is a <br />vacancy on the commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Mike Granger to serve <br />as an alternate member of the EDA. <br />Approve Agreement for Stormwater Reuse Project on Oneka Ridge Golf Course <br />Staff has been working on finalizing the agreement between the City, Oneka Ridge Golf Course, <br />and the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) for a storm water reuse system project for <br />