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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />A gentleman named Archie said it gets a little dusty and he hears a little noise, but he would hate <br />to see people lose their jobs. He hoped the Council and Rick Burr could come to some <br />agreement. <br />Richard Mireault, owner of North Side Construction located at 15627 Forest Boulevard North, <br />said he felt the City should give Mr. Burr until October to get it done. <br />Mike Atkinson, 5560 140th Street North, stated the City should work with Rick Burr. <br />There were no other comments, and the Mayor closed the public hearing. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder recapped the events that lead to this public hearing. When Mr. Burr <br />wanted to build the addition and expand the use in 2007, it was not permitted by ordinance. The <br />City amended the Zoning Code and granted variances to specifically allow it. Violation of the <br />CUP began in 2010. At that time, the City did not take any enforcement action and allowed the <br />prohibited activity to continue to take place on a restricted basis. In 2011, the City again didn't <br />take any enforcement action, instead invited Mr. Burr's cooperation. At that time, Rick agreed <br />to comply within a year, and provide a progress report at six months. The City still has not <br />received any information on how Rick intended to comply. City Attorney Dave Snyder indicated <br />that if the CUP was revoked, it would not be the fault of the City; it would be Mr. Burr's failure <br />to comply. <br />Rick Burr said it took two years for him to get his building permit, and he was not aware the City <br />had changed the zoning on his property from Industrial to Commercial. Rick provided a list of <br />signatures from 32 residents and local area businesses that his employees support who are in <br />favor of Gusset Design maintaining their CUP. <br />The Council discussed the lack of information provided by Mr. Burr on the building design and <br />how it would address the issues of noise and dust. It was Council Member Weidt's strong <br />opinion that Mr. Burr repeatedly chose to ignore the complaints and opportunities to comply, and <br />Rick would be responsible if his employees lost their jobs. Council Member Weidt stated that <br />the sandblasting should be done inside the existing building. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to table consideration of revoking the CUP for 30 days to <br />enable Rick Burr to provide the details on the building, including size, materials, how it would <br />address sound proofing and dust control, to meet the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit. <br />Ayes: Haas, Klein, Petryk, Miron <br />Nays: Weidt <br />Motion carried. <br />Council took a short recess. <br />Public Hearing on Renewal of Atkinson Minim Permit <br />The Council reconvened at 8:50 p.m. A public hearing was scheduled to consider the renewal of <br />the Atkinson Mining Permit for mining and excavation on their property located on the south <br />