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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 4, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />accepting any more steel. They were in the process of moving the steel from the back of the site <br />to the front in order to bale and load it; however, they cannot get the rail cars fast enough. Mr. <br />Mark stated that change was happening, just not fast enough, and he will complete it and do as he <br />said. <br />Paul Ford, 15880 Foxhill Avenue North, stated he did not want to see NRI put out of business, but <br />they have started working as early as 6:30 a.m. and generate noise on the weekends. The site is <br />still packed and, the pile is taller than the building. He said the Council should hold them to the <br />agreed timeline. <br />Rick Mark stated he does not start before 7a.m., and he has an open door policy. Anyone with <br />complaints should see him. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder stated to Rick Mark and David Schoenecker that the Council does not <br />like to be put in the position where there is no cooperation. He encouraged aggressive and <br />cooperative action from Rick Mark. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to direct Council and staff to work with NRI in respect to the <br />removal of the pile, and residents who wanted to be engaged in the monitoring of the progress <br />should contact City Clerk Michele Lindau. The motion further directed Rick Mark to provide a <br />progress report in July. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Proposed Roundabout at TH61/1701h Street North <br />This item was added to the agenda by staff in response to Council Member Haas, Mayor Miron, <br />and property owner Dick Tschida. At its May 21, 2012 meeting, the Council listened to a <br />presentation by MnDOT project manager Marc Briese and Washington County Transportation <br />Engineer Joe Gustafson on improvements to the intersection of TH61 (Forest Boulevard) and <br />CSAH 4 (170th Street) and the proposed roundabout. There was discussion on the impact of <br />traffic and businesses during construction, and staff was directed to schedule an open house with <br />area property owners. <br />Dick Tschida, owner of vacant land at the northeast corner of the intersection, spoke about the <br />problems the City of Forest Lake experienced with the roundabout project in their city saying <br />there were unforeseen costs to the City of Forest Lake, and semis cannot navigate it. He added <br />that there would be negative impacts to landowners and businesses with the Hugo project. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy stated project cost would be shared with Washington County and <br />MnDOT, with no cost to the City. Jay will propose a date to the Council at their next meeting for <br />the open house and, at Council's direction, put together a list of issues raised at the last meeting. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to work with MnDot on scheduling the <br />meeting with the businesses and property owners, provide a list of issues with the important ones <br />highlighted, and investigate the Forest Lake roundabout project with respect to the cost to the City <br />of Forest Lake. <br />