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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 16, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Approve Hiring of Ben Peacock as Public Works Seasonal Employee <br />Each year, Council approves the hiring of seasonal employees to assist the Public Works <br />Department with the maintenance of the City's parks and building grounds. Recently, with a <br />current employee securing full time employment elsewhere, a position had become vacant. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Ben Peacock as a seasonal employee to <br />fill the vacancy. <br />Approve Andy Churchill as Training Capitan on the Hugo Fire Department <br />Firefighter Andy Churchill was recommended by Fire Chief Colvard as Training Capitan on the <br />Hugo Fire Department. Andy has been with the Department since November, 2004. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Andy Churchill as Training Captain on the <br />Hugo Fire Department. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Site Plan for Building Addition for 5564 15211-d Street — <br />Glamos Wire <br />Glamos Wire requested site plan approval for a 22,283 square foot warehouse addition. The <br />addition will be attached to an existing building at 5564 152nd Street in the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park. The office, warehousing, and manufacturing portion of the building will remain, which is <br />45,704square feet. The addition to the Glamos Wire Products building will be an improvement to <br />the Peloquin Industrial Park. Staff found the request met all the requirements for approval of the <br />site plan for the warehouse addition. The application was considered by the Planning <br />Commission at its Thursday, July 12, 2012 meeting, and the Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2012-21 <br />APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR GLAMOS WIRE PRODUCTS IN THE GENERAL <br />INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5564 152' STREET <br />NORTH. <br />Approve Award of Bid for Well House No. 6 <br />On June 28, 2012, the City of Hugo opened bids for the construction of Well House #6. A total <br />of four bids were received. City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Public Works Director Scott Anderson, <br />and City Attorney Dave Snyder reviewed the bid documents. The Engineer's Estimate for the <br />project was $586,657. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the award of bid to Municipal <br />Builders, Inc. in the amount of $586,800. <br />Update on NRI Neighborhood Meeting held on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 <br />At its July 2, 2012 meeting, the Council listened to an update from National Recycling Inc. <br />(NRI) Owner Rick Mark and Attorney David Schoenecker on the NRI transition plan. They <br />indicated they have removed steel from the site but not as quickly as they anticipated. They had <br />recently purchased two semis and an end -dump truck to assist in moving steel, but also inquired <br />about being permitted to add a second shift and work longer hours. Council directed staff to hold <br />a neighborhood meeting to discuss options for NRI. City Administrator Bryan Bear updated the <br />Council on that meeting, which was held on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at Hugo City Hall. <br />